Cairn O'Mohr Fruit Wines - Scottish country wines made from fruit, leaves and flowers. Contains descriptions of wines, tasting notes, and an order form. -
Witwnagemot Wines, Ltd. - Produces a range of red and white wines in Suffolk. Includes product descriptions, a history of the region, and online purchasing. -
Lyme Bay Winery - Traditional west-country ciders, fine country wines, liqueurs and cider brandy. Online shop available. -
Fiona Beckett - Food and wine writer specialising in food and wine matching and cooking with wine. -
Harrison,Tate - Entertaining wine tastings for corporate hospitality and office parties in London area - also impartial wine tips. -
Vines in the UK - A brief history and overview of wines and vinegrowing in the UK. -
Home Winemaking - A UK site dedicated to home wine making enthusiasts, giving advice, recipes, books and kits available together with information on various equipment. -
English Wine Centre - The English Wine website featuring on-line shopping, up-to-date news and links to relevant sites. -