Graves Wines - Bordeaux - Description of this district: its white and red wines, history, soil and grape varieties. With detailed listing of chateaux (some only on French pages so far) and tourism. -
L'Académie du Vin de Bordeaux - Information about vintages and regional history from an association of négociants and winegrowers. Also contains links to members' sites. -
The Wines of the Medoc - Comprehensive resource for details about the communes of the Medoc with extensive searchable listings and chateau descriptions provided by Editions Feret. Also available in French and German. - - Offers some basic history, descriptions of estates, a few reviews, and pricing information for the Swedish market. -
Lalande de Pomerol - Tourist information about this satellite of Pomerol with a vineyard directory and material about local winemaking. -
Pomerol - Brief history of this commune north of Libourne and notes about the wines. -
Bordeaux Wines - Information from the Conseil Interprofessionel du Vins de Bordeaux aimed at those wanting to learn about the region and its vineyards. Includes a virtual tour and much visitor guidance. -