The Postal History Society - The Postal History Society was founded in 1936 to promote and encourage the study, enjoyment and understanding of the postal service worldwide from its beginning to the present day. -
Cape of Good Hope Postal History - Postal History of the Cape of Good Hope and Southern Africa. -
Finland Postal History (1891 - 1918) - Stamp issues, postal rates, postal marking and postal stationery of Finland, including Russian stamps and stationery valid within Finland. -
Rufus Easton first postmaster of St. Louis - Rufus Easton was a famous postmaster of Saint Louis and judge of the Louisiana Territory appointed by Thomas Jefferson. -
Rossiter Trust - A Charitable Trust devoted to the Study of Postal History. -
Positively Postal - Displays examples of postal culture from Great Britain and other nations. Includes a timeline and a photo gallery. -
US Specialized Collections - Information on specialized collections of United States airmail issues. -
Air Mails of New Zealand - Offers detailed exploration of philatelic materials related to the country's aviation history. -
Postal History of Early Cross-Channel Mail - Illustrates covers of early cross channel mail and describes the way letters were carried between Britain and Europe from 1423 to 1843. -
World Postal History - Over 5000 worldwide postal history covers for sale. Everything scanned with a good search engine. -
Ukraine Stamps and Postal History - Selling stamps and postal covers from Ukraine, Russia and area. -
Postal History of Sudetenland 1938-1945 - Features various aspects of postal services of Sudetenland during 1938-1945. -
Philately and Postal History - Portal site for philatelists, postal historians, and philatelic societies to communicate, find out about events, and find links to dealers and auction houses -