Sidhe Productions LSQ Arabian Costumes & Halter Sets - Home of fine LSQ Arabian Costumes & Halter Sets. NAN Qualified, occasional custom orders accepted. Using only the finest materials and construction methods. -
Idaho Outback Miniature Tack - Custom-made miniature tack for model horses; specializing in English styles, such as dressage and hunt seat. -
The Brass Mart - Offers antique, modern, and reproduction horse brasses as well as leather martingales for the model enthusiast. -
The Unicorn Woman - Offers scale-miniature tack, kits, tack-making and hobby supplies, used model horses, custom leathercraft work, scale-miniature tack instruction, and other items of interest. -
Desert Night Creations - Offers customized model horse tack. -
El Establo Dorado - Hand-made Arabian costumes for Breyer model horses, and a few model horses for sale. -
D&H Custom Designs - Selling handcrafted all leather harnesses, buggies, wagons, and horse-drawn equipment. Also offers new Breyer and Peter Stone model horses. -
Rosewood Saddle Company - Offering lines of miniature saddles and show dolls in traditional scale. -
BD's Saddlery and Wagon Shoppe - Hand-crafted replicas of items from the Old West, including wagons, saddles and tack for model sized horses. Offering both ready- and custom-made products. -
Stablemate Lovers Only Catalog - Tack, obstacles and accessories available or custom made for Breyer Stablemates, Micro Minis, and other similar-sized model horses. -
Rio Rondo Enterprises - Model Horse Tackmaking Kits and Miniature Supplies, including miniature saddles, bridles, hardware, bits, and stirrups. Model horse hobby information, Limited Edition Sculptures. -