Arts and Crafts Glass - 19th Century Glass Design, from the Virtual Glass Museum, featuring photographs and text explaining glass associated with the Arts and Crafts movement. Includes links to other resources on glass. -
Goofus Glass - A Virtual Museum and Information Page - Dedicated solely to Goofus glass, manufactured primarily around 1900-1920. Message forum, pictures, descriptions, and newsletter included. -
National Greentown Glass Association - The National Greentown Glass Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the promotion of Greentown Glass preservation and collecting. The NGGA is active in disseminating specific knowledge concerning Greentown Glass and promoting educatio -
Early American Pattern Glass Society - The Society was formed to foster and encourage the collection, appreciation, study, and documentation of early American pattern glassware, its makers, and its place in American life, past and present. It is a non-profit group of collectors and dealers who -
Vaseline Glass E-mail List - The Vaseline Glass List is an e-mail list, a live, interactive newsletter, exclusively devoted to discussing Vaseline Glass. -