Chocolate wrappers collection - Czech collector presenting a collection of wrappers from all over the world, with pictures of chocolate wrappers, links to companies and other related sites, history of cocoa and manufacturing chocolate. -
Chocolate Paradise - A personal site by an Estonian chocolate wrappers collector with wrapper scans, a section with wrappers available for exchange and links to manufacturers and other collectors. -
The Candy Wrapper Museum - A personal collection that includes classics and the unusual such as Marshmallow on a Stick and R. Crumb's Devil Girl bars. -
Mike's Candy Bar Wrapper Page - A collection of candy bar wrappers with a brief review of each candy, plus a comments page. -
World of Chocolate Wrappers - World's largest collection of chocolate wrappers, by Stanislav Krámský, Czech Republic. -
In Search of Chocolate Wrappers - An ongoing collection of Cadbury and Nestle chocolate wrappers from around the world. -
Chocolate Wrappers - Collector from the Netherlands. -