Leggman's Time-Life Library - Contains complete set lists for all Time-Life books series. Also includes printable checklists for each series and shopping links. - http://www.volumelists.com
Baedeker Datenbank und Kenner-Referenz - A site for collectors of pre-war Baedeker guidebooks, with pricing, reference and auction data. - http://www.bdkr.com
Early Penguin Paperbacks - Illustrates the history of early Penguin paperbacks, including Kings and illustrated classics. - http://www.spingal.plus.com/penguins/
Henry George Bohn - The Bohn Bibliography lists his libraries and general publications. There is a biography and author indexes. - http://www.derekjones.org/Bohn.htm
Biblia Sacra - Showcase for an electronic bibliography on bibles printed in the Netherlands and Belgium. Provides extensive descriptions and numerous reproductions of typographical and iconographical material. - http://www.bibliasacra.nl
BibSite - Provided by the Bibliographical Society of America, provides public access to accumulated bibliographical research materials. Bibliographers can make additions and corrections to the database. - http://www.bibsocamer.org/BibSite/bibsite.htm
Books and Writers - A computerized database of books and writers. - http://www.booksandwriters.co.uk
Ward Lock Red Guides Information - A website about early editions of Ward Lock "Red" travel guides, aimed at enthusiasts and collectors, to provide bibliography information, history and dating. - http://www.wardlockredguides.co.uk/
Oddbooks - Devoted to self described odd books and their authors. - http://www.oddbooks.co.uk/
BIBSOCAN - Describes an email discussion group dealing with bibliography. Sponsored by The Bibliographical Society of Canada - http://www.library.utoronto.ca/bsc/bibsoc.html
Top Ten Books of the 20th Century - Visitors are welcome to vote for their favorites. Compiled by the Centenary Book Project. - http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/muss/topbooks.html
Violet Books: Bibliographies Index - Antiquarian supernatural literature including essays and a gallery of rare dust wrappers. - http://www.violetbooks.com/bibliogs.html
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books - A manual of rules for catalogers of the Library of Congress and others working with rare materials. - http://www.tlcdelivers.com/tlc/crs/rare0170.htm
Studies in Bibliography - Presents archives of this journal, covering topics ranging from analytical bibliography to the history of printing and publishing. Published for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. - http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/sb/index.html