Kochte, Mark a.k.a Indy   - Indy's Underground Climber's Guide to Baltimore Areas (covers Suglarloaf Mountain, White Rocks, Annapolis Rocks, Maryland Heights, Great Falls, and others). Stories and pictures from the Gunks, the Daks, various spots in New Hampshire, Seneca, Stone Moun - http://www.bcpl.net/~indy/ 
Cummins, Clint   - Topos for Calveras Dome, Elephant's Perch, Idaho and Index, Washington. New route information for Yosemite and Pinnacles. Trip reports from Yosemite (free climbing and aid climbing), Tuolumne Meadows, Pinnacles, the Sierras, Tahoe, Smith Rock, the Gunks, - http://www.stanford.edu/~clint/ 
Morrison, Dave   - Trip reports and photos from Mt. Watkins (Yosemite), Mt. Rainier, Mt. Charleston, Kings Peak, Utah, Mt. Baker, Washington, Iztaccihuatl, Mexico Mt. Adams, Washington, Mt. Hood, Oregon. - http://www.dwmorrison.com/hiking.htm 