Eisner Camp and Crane Lake Camp - Two camps in the Berkshire Mountains. Fine arts, sports and water activities mixed with Jewish culture and heritage. Run by the Union for Reform Judaism. - http://necamps.urjcamps.org/
Camp Taconic - Overnight camp for boys and girls, ages 8-16 located on 300 acres in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts. - http://www.camptaconic.com/
The Eli and Bessie Cohen Foundation - Offers 3 Jewish, overnight summer camps. Pembroke Camp for girls in Pembroke, Massachusetts, Camp Tevya (co-ed) in Brookline, New Hampshire, and Camp Tel Noar (co-ed) in Hampstead, New Hampshire. Modern facilities on quiet lakes. - http://www.cohencamps.org/
Cape Cod Sea Camps Monomoy-Wono - Offers traditional overnight and day camps with emphasis on sailing, boating and water activities in Brewster, Massachusetts. - http://www.capecodseacamps.com/
Mazemakers - A unique summer program offering a wide variety of interesting courses for the creative student. - http://www.mazemakers.com/
Camp Mah-Kee-Nac - An eight week summer camp for boys ages 7 to 15 in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, offering a wide range of water activities and land sports. Founded in 1929. - http://www.campmkn.com/
Camp Sewataro - A traditional summer day camp owned and directed by the Taylor family in a north woods setting located in Sudbury Massachusetts. For boys and girls ages 4 to 13. - http://www.sewataro.com/
Camp Watitoh - A traditional overnight summer camp for boys and girls in the Berkshire Mountains in Becket, Massachusetts. - http://www.campwatitoh.com/
Camp Half Moon - A coed camp on Lake Buel in the Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts. A safe, orderly environment conducive to teaching and learning while having fun. Following a weekly schedule helps campers to learn independence and responsibility. - http://www.camphalfmoon.com/
Camp Greylock - Sports camp for boys ages 6 to 16, founded in 1916. - http://www.campgreylock.com/
Eisner Camp - Eisner Camps, located in Barrington, in the Berkshires of Western MA, serving New York and the Northeast. A coed, Union Of American Hewbrew Congregations (UAHC) Reform Jewish Camp. - http://www.eisnercamp.org/
Camp Lenox - Coed summer camp for children ages 7 to 16. Offers a program of team and individual sports, along with creative arts led by high school and college coaches and educators. - http://www.camplenox.com/
Camp Emerson - Private, residential summer camp for boys and girls ages 7 to 15 in Western Massachusetts. - http://www.campemerson.com/
Camp Bournedale - A summer camp for boys in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Featuring a three-mile long lake with activities such as sailing, golf, computers, waterski, scuba, tennis and soccer. - http://www.campbournedale.com/
Camp Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA - Overnight boys' and girls' YMCA camp located in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, since 1903. - http://www.bccymca.org/
Camp Atwater - A national youth leadership development institute, whose mission is to assist in the academic and social growth and development of youth by offering a quality residential camp experience within a safe, nurturing and Afrocentric environment. - http://www.campatwater.org/
Crossroads for Kids - Summer camp and year round programs that promote the emotional well being of children, while providing stable and positive relationships in a diverse and natural setting. - http://www.crossroads4kids.org/