Dick's Stuff - Relates the site owners crewing experience aboard the tall ship Endeavor as it sailed from Eureka, California to Coos Bay, Oregon. - http://www.dickmcmahon.net/beingasailor.html
Misty Morn II - About sailing South from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida and beyond. Emphasis on the Intracoastal Waterway and Okeechobee Lake. Includes sections on cooking, charts, weather links, boat drinks, and general living aboard. - http://www.ourprivatepage.50megs.com/
Rondinara - Information on a Fisher 37, including specifications, modifications, and details of trips in the Mediterranean. - http://www.rondinara.net/
Grehan - Information and guidance about sailing, cruising and living on-board through the French canals and rivers to the Mediterranean aboard a Southerly 115. - http://www.tagweb.co.uk/grehan/
Drinian's Homepage - Documents the rebirth of a 1974 British-built twin-keel sloop for cruising with progress toward making the 31' sloop seaworthy and offshore capable. - http://drinian.smithwrite.net/
Sokari Online - Travel stories, photos and tips for sailing the Coral Sea to Indonesia by an Australian couple who cruised there in 1999 and again in 2001-2002 aboard catamaran "Sokari." - http://www.svsokari.com/
Taniwani - Photographs and descriptions of a Najad 490 cutter as it is being built and then sailed from Sweden to the South Pacific. - http://www.taniwani.de
Sailing Vessel Sergeant Lewis - Photos of the construction and launch of a big plywood/composite trimaran. - http://sergeantlewis.epsfh.com/
Voyage of the Swan - An on-going chronicle of the selection, building, outfitting, and cruising of a Pacific Seacraft 34 sailboat. - http://swancruise.com
Raptor Dance - Stories, pictures, recipes, recommendations and cruising tips from a blue water cruising vessel. - http://raptordance.com
Big Oceans - Chronicling the stories of a sailor attempting to sail solo half way around the world from Europe to Australia. - http://www.bigoceans.com
Mystic Rhythms Great Adventure - The sailing adventures of a catamaran and her crew as they wander the high seas. - http://mysticrhythmsadventure.com
Purrrfection - The pictures and experiences of a family circumnavigating aboard a 42 foot Fountaine Pajot Venezia catamaran. - http://www.sailblogs.com/member/purrrfection/
Hitrapia - A Warrior 35 sailing yacht and her planned circumnavigation. Includes pictures, log, charts and route list. - http://www.hitrapia.co.uk/
Thoughts from the Blue - Blog of Peter Lester America's Cup commentator and coach. - http://peterlester.co.nz/
Manta 19 - The adventures of Sophie, a Manta 19 trailer sailer number 1239 built by Blakes Marine of Hoylake in 1983. - http://www.manta19.miwd.co.uk/
Sequitur - Information on the purchase and outfitting of a 2007 Hunter 49. Includes specifications, photos and media reviews. - http://www.yacht-sequitur.ca
Survive the Savage Sea - Provides insight to the Robertson family, who survived for 38 days in an open boat after killer whales sank S/Y Lucette, their 43' staysail schooner. - http://www.survivethesavagesea.com/index.html
Shark 007 - History, specifications, line drawings and photos of Shark keel boats in general and of Shark 007 in particular. - http://sailquest.com/shark
S/V Cats Paw - The logs, adventures and insights of an Oregon couple in their Malö 42 sloop on voyages to Alaska and the South Pacific. Includes an extensive equipment section. - http://www.threefools.org/catspaw/
Sea Muffin - Photos and text track the preparation of a 1982 Bruce Roberts 34' sloop by a couple who aim to circumnavigate from Portland, Maine, USA. - http://www.seamuffin.com
Classic Hallberg-Rassy Yachts - Dedicated to yachts built by the Hallberg, Rassy, and Hallberg-Rassy yards. Included are data on hundreds of individual yachts from 1955 to the present. - http://www.classic-hrs.com
Raven's Voyage - Photos, maps and narratives of the voyage by a couple in a 1978 Cheoy Lee 41 foot ketch from Chicago to the Bahamas, and their aspirations beyond. - http://www.ravensvoyage.com/
Schooner Free Spirit - The cruising logs and photographs of a family aboard their 50 foot Dudley Dix designed schooner. - http://sailfreespirit.blogspot.com/
Tobogganride - Chronicling the adventures of a Canadian couple preparing to set-out around the world in their Corbin 39 named Toboggan. Includes background and boat specifications. - http://tobogganride.com/
Sailing Stories - The owner's log about the schooners Orbit II and Rosemary Ruth, including a description of the loss of the former and refit of the latter. - http://www.issuma.com/rhudson/
Henk de Velde - Sea and Ice Adventures - Autobiographical site about this sailor and his voyages, news of various explorers and their expeditions as well as a list of world circumnavigations from west to east. - http://www.henkdevelde.nl/
Clipper Marine Sailor - History of and resources for the boats made by the Clipper Marine Company. - http://www.clipper-sailor.net/
Green Seagull - Describing the construction of a 100 foot aluminum schooner, with specification and progress photographs. - http://www.greenseagull.com/
Sail Gitana - Some captioned photos of and from this junk-rigged schooner sailing out Niceville, Florida. - http://www.sailgitana.com/
The Santana - Offers details on the history, design, restoration and current use of this classic 1935 Sparkman & Stephens 55' schooner once owned by Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. - http://thesantana.com/
Norwegian Blue - A 42 foot steel sailing yacht which has sailed the Northwest Passage. Includes comprehensive information on the route, the boat and her crew. - http://www.norwegianblue.co.uk/
The O'Day Javelin Project - The restoration of a classic 1966 O'Day Javelin sailboat using step-by-step pictures and descriptive narrative. - http://www.odayjavelin.com/
Official Website of Ellen MacArthur - Background and current information on the decade's outstanding competitive sailor. Includes photographs, video clips and media reports. - http://www.ellenmacarthur.com/
Geoff Schultz's BlueJacket Sailing Site - Photos and reports from 30,000 miles of sailing and diving adventures aboard a 1997 Freedom 40 on the east coast of the US and the Caribbean. - http://www.geoffschultz.org
Schooner Mistress - Information on the history and restoration of a 78' topsail schooner based in Baltimore, USA. A comprehensive though rarely updated site. - http://www.schoonermistress.com/
Chuck Cargo's Pages - Information about four couples who have made the break and are sailing their own boats in paradise. Descriptions of the boats, the people, and their way of life. - http://www.usvi.net/usvi/chuck/
Camelot V - The trans-Pacific sailing logs of a couple from Vancouver Island, Canada aboard their 41 foot sloop. With photographs. - http://members.shaw.ca/river1942/camelot.htm
Philip Stobo - His sailing adventures to the Bahamas and the Gulf Islands on Madgic Spell, a Macgregor 26x. Descriptions with photos of trips to Gulf Islands, Vancouver, Victoria, San Juan, Bahama Bank and Port Lucaya. - http://pstobo.popstogo.com/
Stormy Duchess - Relates past voyages of the 40 foot cutter, such as trans-Atlantic crossings, Caribbean, and Lake Superior cruises. Includes logs and image galleries. - http://www.computerconnecting.com/wwwstormyduchess/
Realization - Provides information about the history of the Cape Dory 32, delivery to the new owners, and subsequent adventures. Includes crew and vessel image galleries. - http://home.comcast.net/~c_m_monaghan/realhome.htm
Janet May - Chronicles the construction of the 65 foot hackmatack schooner in Bar Harbor, Maine. Later renamed "Quinnipiack", she now sails from New Haven, Connecticut, taking school children out onto Long Island Sound. - http://www.worldvoyagers.com/janetmay/jm01.htm
Iwalani's Voyage Around the World - Join the crew of Iwalani as they take three years to circumnavigate the world, sailing on a self-built 42 foot cutter. - http://www.worldvoyagers.com/iwalani/
Al Gunther's Web Page - Features projects such as the construction of a kayak and a 26 foot Pilothouse sloop as well as sailing adventures. - http://homepage.mac.com/agunther/.Public/index.html
Windward to Home - Verbal and pictorial depiction of a northbound coastal passage from Mazatlan, Mexico to the Southern California area. - http://www.carsonhowe.com/
S/V Brudair - Chronicles the adventures of Damon, David, and their cat Ashley as they sell their belongings to purchase a 41 foot sail boat to travel the world. Shares tips and ideas, articles and reviews, recipes, and features FAQ’s, a guestbook, and links of intere - http://www.bruadair.us/
The Starboard Home Chronicles - The story of a couple's transatlantic crossing on a 40 foot sailboat and their sailing adventures in Europe and the Mediterranean. - http://www.starboardhome.net/
Myles G. Jenkins - Personal profile of a RYA yachtmaster who sails luxury yachts and other boats throughout the world. - http://www.mylesjenkins.com/
Yacht Seerose - The narrative of a 5-year cruise on a 44 foot steel ketch from South Africa to SE Asia, via Mozambique, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya and across the Indian Ocean. - http://www.seerose.cruiser.co.za/
The Fabola Diva Collection - Information about a Fabola Diva 35 sailing boat named Unique. Include tips, tricks, tests, links, articles and photos. - http://www.diva35.com/
Lex & Wolf - Contains pictures of vacations (sailing trips and hikes). - http://members.inode.at/lexwolf/
Breezin' - Information about a sailing team and a J/30 which races out of Cleveland, Ohio. Offers information on the crew, and photo gallery. - http://users.adelphia.net/~galaska/breezin.html
Dasein, Pearson Triton Hull 668 - Details the upgrading, restoration, and cruising of Dasein, a classic fiberglass sailing yacht - http://www.dasein668.com/
Lake Ontario Sailing - Ken Palmer's page about sailing Lake Ontario out of Rochester, NY. - http://www.lakeontariosailing.com/
S/Y Naomi - Around the world. - Circumnavigating the world in a 38 foot sailboat. Departed Norway in 1999 and will continue to sail wherever the wind blows. - http://www.naomi2000.com/index_eng.php
Atom's Adventures - Articles about twenty years of sailing adventures by James Baldwin, including two circumnavigations, in his 28' sloop. - http://www.atomvoyages.com/
Noxhy's Ships Page - Photo gallery of tallships. - http://arachula.150m.com/index.html
Renegade Syndicate - Provides news, images, and information about a UFO 34 sailing yacht registered at Ipswich, England. Includes a list of links and contacts of other UFO owners. - http://www.renegade.inglenook-winster.co.uk/
Pirate - Details the history and restoration of the 40 foot R-class racing sloop, currently at The Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle, Washington. - http://www.r-boat.org/
Kookaloo - Construction of 36 foot yacht with pictures. Journal of recent sailing trips and offshore races. - http://www.kookaloo.nl
Coral Moon - Diary, photo gallery, and message board of a 43' sailing vessel. - http://www.getjealous.com/getjealous.php?username=coralmoon
Carina - Brief narrative about the Nordic Folkboat Carina, and its restoration project. - http://carina.4t.com/
Bumfuzzle Sails - The sailing adventures of two young, novice sailors heading out on a circumnavigation. - http://www.bumfuzzle.com
Achilles 24 - Information, specifications, line drawings and photographs of this sailboat designed by Oliver Lee in the late 60's. - http://achilles24.users.btopenworld.com/index.htm
Chebacco News - Information and advice on building and sailing Bolger's 20' cat yawl designs. - http://www.chebacco.com/
Vintagesail.com - For fans of "not-so-new" yachts. Provides photos and links to owners of vintage yachts, with an emphasis on Westerly. - http://vintagesail.com/
Sailing Sybarite - Sailing the Northsea with Belgian S/V Sybarite, a Jeanneau Melody, built in 1979. - http://home.tiscali.be/brigitte.vantongerloo/
Memories of sailing the Eye of the Wind - Eye of the Wind is a tall ship with many adventures under her keel. Site includes stories of her owners, crews and guests along with many photographs. - http://www.tallshipstales.de
John Stevenson's Sailing Web - Offers pictures and descriptions of Stevenson's sailing experiences over the past 30 years, including the Chesapeake Bay, three sailing trips to Bermuda, and plans for an upcoming transatlantic voyage on his 42' Pearson ketch. Also includes photographs a - http://www.svsarah.com/
Cruising in Taonui - Features reports of the many sailing adventures of Tony Gooch, including the solo non-stop circumnavigation undertaken in 2002. - http://www.taonui.com/
Hygeia of Halsa - Mie and Kiko Rutter and their circumanvigation in the sailing boat Hygeia of Halsa, a Hallberg-Rassy 42. - http://www.uptherigging.com/
Due North - A writer plans to sail to Newfoundland, Greenland and Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. In English and Dutch. - http://homepage.mac.com/geertvanderkolk/index.html
Hacking Family Home - Jon and Sue Hacking and their teenagers Chris and Amanda on "Ocelot," a Kronos 45 catamaran. Documents their voyage starting in the Caribbean in the spring of 2002, with photographs, stories, boat specifications and equipment, schooling, flora a - http://www.hackingfamily.com
Nereus - Information about Thierry Jacquet and his travels around the world in an Outborn 44 aluminum sloop. Includes vessel specifications and image galleries. - http://www.nereus.org/
OOD 34 Online - James' OOD 34 site. This is a web site for owners and sailors of the OOD 34 (Offshore One-Design 34) class yacht. - http://www.ood34.co.uk
Petestack Sailing Pages - Scottish west coast racing with an Impala 28 and an SK700, sailing forums and past adventures with Drascombes and other boats. - http://www.petestack.com/sailing/
The Eye of the Wind - Chronicles the farewell voyage as the vessel sails from Bermuda to Denmark to its new owner. Features images, video clips, and a message board. - http://www.koys.de/Atlantic/index.php
Ina Koys - Images of ships and people, places to sail, and links to tall ship Eye of the Wind. - http://www.koys.de/Cutty/index.php
Scanner 391 - Promoting boats built by ScanYacht AB. Includes specifications and test data, image gallery, and a message board. - http://www.scanner391.net/index.html
Crabclaw Tacking - Documents comparative tests with ancient sailing rigs including the crab claw proa. Includes photo galleries. [English, Polish and French] - http://www.lukawskiyachts.com/proa.htm
Sunray - Story of a 2001 trip from Denmark to Malta. Offers crew and vessel profiles, logs, advice and tips. - http://www.sunray.dk/
Sail Challenge 2002 - An opportunity to learn how to sail. Offer courses during a one week cruise of Nova Scotia, Canada. - http://www.bluemoonadventures.4t.com/
4US - News and information about a team racing an 18' skiff in Europe. Provides team and boat profiles, image galleries and videos, and a race schedule. - http://www.4us.ch/
Building Galene - Facts and reflections on building a 41' offshore voyaging sailboat from a bare hull. - http://members.cox.net/building.galene/index.html
Avanta - Details of the sailing vessel Avanta, her crew, and visited locations. - http://www.vleggaar.nl/avanta/
Voyage of Heartsong III - A Texas couple fulfilling a lifelong dream of sailing around the world aboard a Hylas 54. - http://www.heartsong3.com/
Travels with S/Y Thetis - Sailing logs of the Thetis in the seas around Greece, Turkey, Malta, and Italy. Illustrated with maps and photographs and containing much historic and geographic information. - http://www.sy-thetis.org
Sulmar's Trans-Atlantic Voyage - In July 2001, Gillian and Robin Cay sailed their 35 foot sloop from Scotland on a year's adventure to the Caribbean and back via ports in Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Madeira and the Canary Islands. - http://www.sulmar.com/
Restoration of Glissando - The two year restoration of a 1963 Pearson Triton found wasting away in a boatyard, the launching in May 2001 and cruising logs from then. - http://www.triton381.com/
Meriah - A family from Vancouver Island, Canada set off aboard their 50 foot Herreshoff Ketch on a journey of adventure and discovery. - http://www.meriah.com/