H2Ocean Enterprises Ltd. - Offers classroom and home study safety courses and testing. Canadian Coast Guard accredited. Includes locations and contacts. - http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/h2ocean/
Drive a Boat Canada - Offers safe boating courses across Canada as well as a home study course. - http://www.driveaboatcanada.ca/
Better Boating Safe Boat Training - Learn the basics of operating power or sail boats and personal watercrafts safely by a course accredited by the Canadian Coast Guard. A Boating Proficiency Card provided upon successful completion. - http://www.betterboating.on.ca
BoaterExam.com - Canadian Coast Guard accredited safe boating course offering online training and certification for the Canadian Boat License. - http://www.boaterexam.com/
International Sail and Power Association - ISPA was formed to create and maintain an international certificate of competency program with emphasis on excellence in the safe handling and skillful use of pleasure craft. - http://www.ispa.com/
Quicknav - Canadian Coast Guard accredited navigation, powerboat and sailboat training. - http://www.quicknav.com/
Marine Training and Consulting Ltd - Canadian Coast Guard approved basic boating safety courses and exam. - http://www.basicboating.com/
Watercraft Training Centre - Provides training programs to boaters, with special emphasis on personal watercraft owners and operators. - http://www.wtc-cfm.com/
The Safe Boater Training Program - Canadian safe boater training program provides everything you are required to learn to receive a Canadian Coast Guard Boater Proficiency Card. - http://www.safeboater.com/