Tennessee Ornithological Society
- Publications, events, conservation programs, site guides, count results, rare bird alert, and Tennessee Bird Records Committee.
- http://www.tnbirds.org/
Bird Checklists - Seasonal checklists for 9 refuges in Tennessee. - http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/birds/chekbird/r4/47.htm
Chattanooga Chapter of TOS - Non-profit organization devoted to the study of birds in southeast Tennessee and northern Georgia. Includes a list of officers, meeting information, membership details, field trips and a status report. - http://www.chattanoogatos.org/
Tennessee Birding Guide - Birding sites and resources. - http://gorp.away.com/gorp/activity/birding/bird_tn.htm
Bristol-Birds - E-mail group for birding in the Bristol area. - http://www.freelists.org/archives/bristol-birds/
Nashville Chapter of TOS - Meetings and field trips. - http://www.mindspring.com/~tnwarbler/NTOS/NTOS.html
TN-BIRD - Searchable archives of the discussion list for Tennessee birding. - http://www.freelists.org/archives/tn-bird/
Dean Edwards's Bird Stuff - Photos, count results, and other miscellaneous information. - http://www-chaos.engr.utk.edu/~kde/birds/BIRDpage.html
Eagles of Reelfoot Lake - Information on Bald Eagles in the Reelfoot area of northwest Tennessee. Eagle watching, state park captive eagles, and photos. - http://www.reelfoot.com/eagles.htm