Los Desperados de la Montaña Negra - Provides member profiles, photos, videos, and related links for this Belgian team. - http://users.pandora.be/mark.blockhuys/blokki/
Vertigo Freefly Team - Includes team profile, achievements, calendar, photos, videos, articles in pdf format, and related links for this Belgian team. - http://home.tiscali.be/vertigofreeflyteam/
CloudNine - Dutch/Belgian freefly team and school. Includes calendar of events, photos, and team member biographies, - http://www.c9freefly.com
Avalore Freefly - Includes pictures, articles, and coaching information. - http://www.avalore.co.uk
Frick Atmonauti - Italian freefly and freestyle team, but most of all promotors of atmonauti style flight. - http://www.atmonauti.com/
MudFly - Provides pictures, video gallery and information on sponsors, contacts, program and services. In English and Portuguese. - http://www.mudfly.com.pt/
Guano Freefly Team - A competition freefly team that organizes, coaches, and trains at Skydance skydiving in Davis, California. News, calendar and pictures. - http://www.guanofreefly.com
The Gravity Rats Freefly Team - Located in Texas promoting total body flight, fun and safety within the sport of skydiving. Details of team competition results, information on team members and sponsors. - http://www.gravityrats.com/
Monkey Claw Freefly Team - Home page of national level competition team. Team profile, events, coaching, camps, news, photos. - http://www.monkeyclaw.com/