Welcome to Winddance - Dale Stuart was the leading woman's freestyle champion in the 1990's, when skydiving went 3D. Pictures, freestyle move descriptions and more. - http://www.winddance.com
Gustavo Cabana Photographer Skydiver - Gustavo Cabana is a Spanish skydiver/photographer who has been jumping since 1988. Includes photo galleries of some recent European events. - http://www.guscabana.com
f r e e k f l y . c o m - Brian Buckland with information, pictures and stories about skydiving and 'freek flying' from the Boston - Providence Skydiving Center and all over New England. - http://www.freekfly.com
AOT Wiki - A History of Aggies Over Texas - Stories, history, and pictures of skydiving at the old Aggies Over Texas parachute center. Organized in a wiki format, visitors can add their stories to the site. - http://www.aotwiki.com
Ian's Skydiving Pages - A personal site about learning to skydive in New Zealand. - http://www.ianskydive.co.uk
Mery Rose - Mery is a competitor at the national and international levels. Her homepage chronicles her skydiving history and future ambitions. - http://www.meryrose.com/
StratoQuest - Cheryl is a legend in skydiving. Twenty-one times the US Women's Style and Accuracy champion, Cheryl continues to set her sights high. Really high. - http://www.cherylstearns.com/
The Dead Mike Homepage - An offbeat first person account of a skydiving accident, his recovery and return to the air. - http://www.deadmike.com/
Dick's Stuff - Personal experiences and logbook. - http://www.dickmcmahon.com/
Craig Poxon's Skydive! - Personal page includes photos, movies and on-line logbook. Links to skydiving news stories, DZ weather and skydiving fatalities. Part of the DropZone WebRing. - http://www.poxon.org/Craig/Skydive/
Barry Chase - An instructor and USPA SouthEast regional director. Information, politics, extensive free classified adverts, photos. - http://www.gate.net/~barry/
Troy Hartman - Personal website of this skysurfer, BASE jumper, and professional stuntman. Description, photos and videos of his work, including the "Senseless" stunts for MTV. - http://www.troyhartman.com/
Paul and Jacqui's Homepage - Personal home page of two skydiving enthusiasts. Philosophies, photos, links. - http://web.ukonline.co.uk/picko/
Blue Sky - Photo gallery. - http://www.volny.cz/j.soudek/