FScockpit - Provides deatailed instructions on the development of a flight simulator cockpit with the use of the Microsoft Flight Simulator. - http://www.fscockpit.com/
Matt Ford's 737 Project - A site about an ongoing project built using a retired Continental Airlines Boeing 737-100 flight deck. - http://www.737sim.com/
The Deltasoft Group - Simulator cockpit based on an IFR cockpit. - http://www.f15sim.com/
The A320 Project - A project to build an Airbus A320 flightdeck. - http://www.avsim.com/hangar/flight/a320project/
A320 Project - An "On Line Documentation" on the construction of a Full Scale A320 Flightdeck Simulator Project. - http://www.avsim.com/hangar/flight/a320project/main.html
Kev's Cockpit - Article on how to build a fixed base cockpit mock-up comprising left seat, centre consul, overhead system panel, flight controls and a simple seat motion system. - http://www.flightsim.com/cgi/kds?$=main/howto/kevssim.htm
Matthew Shiel's 747 Simulator - A ten year project to build a simulator that will include every switch and panel in the 747-400. - http://www.hyway.com.au/747/747.html
Delta Flight - Home built Boeing 767 flight simulator. Unit is powered by three networked computers. Display is projected on a 6 foot wide screen. - http://www.avsim.com/project757/
James' Virtual Flightdeck - Describes both his old project and the new that's built using a complete cockpit section of a real B737. - http://www.737simguy.com/
Boeing 737-700 flight simulator - A web site devoted to the construction and operation of a Boeing 737-700 flight simulator. - http://www.737flightsim.com/