CT Ballooning LLC - Information on rates, pilots and crew, festival schedule and other services. - http://www.ctballooning.com/
Viewpoint Balloons - Offering flights in the Coventry, Woodstock and central Connecticut areas. Photos, prices, terms, photos and the team's festival schedule are included. - http://www.cthotair.com
Aer Blarney Balloons - Provides rides and flight instruction. Details of flights, pricing, and special events. Includes a picture gallery. - http://www.aerblarney.com
A Yankee Balloon - Offers flights over Litchfield Hills and the Housatonic and Naugatuck River Valleys. Prices, FAQ, photos and list of events the team attends. - http://www.ayankeeballoon.com/
Berkshire Balloons - Offers flights in central Connecticut plus an FAA-licensed repair station. - http://www.berkshireballoons.com/
Adventure Balloon - Flights in Central CT plus instruction and advertising services. - http://www.adventureballoon.com
Castle View Balloons - Cheshire-based balloonist offers flights in central Connecticut. Rates, Q&A, photos and related links. - http://www.castleviewballoons.com/
Eastern CT Balloon Services - Eastern Connecticut provider offers its prices, terms and description of promotional services. - http://www.easternctballoon.com/