Eagle Wings - Located in Miami. Offering powered paragliding training and equipment sales. Details of requirements and inventories. - http://www.eaglewings.us/
Flight Junkies - Provides sales and service and training. Information and specifications of paramotors, training courses and list of questions and answers on the sport. - http://www.flightjunkies.com/
Airparamo - Powered paraglider or paramotor instruction, sales and service in Arizona. Provides information on training options, requirements and equipment for sale. - http://www.airparamo.com/
Paratoys - Offering basic and advanced instruction and equipment sales in Ventura, California. Details of costs and equipment available. Includes news and pictures. - http://www.paratoys.com/
Paratour - Paramotor training, sales and service. - http://www.paratour.com/
Kestrel Adventure - Fying school and adventure holiday centre. Specializing in paramotors, and ultralights. Information on accommodation . - http://www.kestreladventure.com/
Inland Paraflite, Inc. - Training school. Provides information on courses and history. - http://www.paraplane.com/
American Flyer Powered Paragliders - Training school in Southwest USA. Information on courses, equipment sales and events. Includes testimonials. - http://www.americanflyerppg.com