Elise 340R - Contains history, photos, and technical details of the limited edition 340R. - http://www.340r.net/
The Lotus Elise Home List - Offers a directory of Elise owners, with the option to add a vehicle. - http://www.brehe.org/elisehome.htm
Lotus Elise - Includes details of accessories and components, the author's diary, DIY help, classifieds, model information, problems, and articles from the press. - http://www.elises.co.uk
Adrian's Lotus Elise - Features track days, in-car videos, technical details, and photographs. - http://freespace.virgin.net/adrian.rose/elisemain.htm
John Cunningham's Elise - Contains pictures and videos of the author's car. - http://www.cunningham.u-net.com/
Vivian's Elise - Contains track days, Lotus 50th party details and factory tour. - http://website.lineone.net/~vivian.meazza/
Lotus Elise and Other Obsessions - Contains details of the author's car, including photographs, technical details, and fuel consumption data. - http://www.warp.u-net.com/