Westfield Sports Car Club Surrey Area - Contains membership details, events, members cars, tools register, and insurance information. - http://www.wscc.co.uk/area/surrey/
Westfield Sportscars Ltd - Merchandise, parts, forum and possibility to request a brochure. [Flash] - http://www.westfield-sportscars.co.uk/
Westfield Sportscars - Australian importer, showroom, news and forum, FAQ, links, spare parts, motorsport and contact. - http://westfield-sportscars.com.au/
The Westfield Sports Car Club - News, contacts, events, speed series, membership, boardroom, merchandise, links and spectator. - http://www.wscc.co.uk/
The Westfield SEiGHT - Updates, specifications, performance, literature, contacts, technical information, author's car, galleries, links, sprinting and hill climbing. - http://www.seight.com/
Westfield Lotus Eleven Sports Racer - Contains the history of the marque, photo gallery, events, and the option to register a car. - http://www.open.org/joerger/westfield.html