Typewriter Serial Number Database - Date your old/ antique typewriter, by using the serial number listings database. Includes additional information for collectors. - http://www.tw-db.com
Antique Typewriter Collecting - Anthony Casillo provides information on collectable typewriters, including pictorial gallery of early typewriters. - http://www.typewritercollector.com/
Portable Typewriters - An illustrated history of early typewriters by typewriter collector Richard Milton. - http://www.portabletypewriters.com
Shannon L. Johnson Typewriter Collection - Contains tributes to select early typewriter companies and featured machines form Mr. Johnson's collection. And sources for hard to find supplies for antique typewriters. - http://homepage.mac.com/sljohnson/typewriter.html
The Classic Typewriter Page - Offers a wealth of information for antique typewriter collectors, including history, collecting and care tips, and typewriter humor. - http://staff.xu.edu/~polt/typewriters/
Swedish Typewriter Page - Includes a brief history of typewriters, examples of early models, and common questions about collecting. In Swedish and English. - http://web.telia.com/~u13101111/typewriters.html
Carbons to Computers - The Changing American Office - Smithsonian Institution exhibit features museum display, timeline, and resources for further study. - http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/educators/lesson_plans/carbons/typewriters.html
Virtual Typewriter Museum - Extensive virtual museum dedicated to the early history of the typewriter. - http://www.typewritermuseum.org
The Typewriter Restoration Site - Extensive information on the restoration of antique typewriters. Includes a virtual museum and a parts exchange. - http://www.xs4all.nl/~catch55/
Early Typewriter Collectors Association - Information about ETCetera, the Journal of the Early Typewriter Collectors Association. - http://typewriter.rydia.net/etcetera.htm
Lady Typewriter - Features an antique typewriter virtual library and museum, a timeline, and news for collectors. - http://www.ladytypewriter.co.uk
Chuck and Rich's Antique Typewriter Website and Museum - Virtual museum of antique typewriters, including toy, index, and special purpose typewriters. Also has information on selected early office items. - http://typewriter.rydia.net
The Antique Typewriter Down Under Connection - Australian site detailing the history of typewriters and providing a forum for discussion. - http://www.precision-dynamics.com.au/typewriters
Mike Campbell's Antique Typewriters - Information on collecting typewriters. Includes a gallery, restoration tips, and resources. - http://www-personal.umich.edu/~msc/typewriter/
Yesterday's Office - Antique office equipment collecting. Features articles on antique typewriters. - http://www.yesterdaysoffice.com/