Antique Horology - The Horological Foundation's directory of web sites for watches, clocks, instruments and barometers. -
Barrie's Virtual Museum of Clocks - Pictures and information about antique and vintage clocks including grandfather, mantle and wall clocks. Electric and master clocks, time recorders and anything to do with horology. -
ClockHistory.Com - History and information about Westclox, trade name of the Western Clock Manufacturing Company. Important dates, patents, advertisements, catalogs and online ordering of select reproduction replacement parts. -
Interstate Time Company - Features a slide show on "Collecting Illinois Watches Without Going Broke", and discussion on private labeled Bunn Specials. -
The Fascination of Old Clocks and Watches - Information and pictures on pocket watches, mantel clocks, carriage clocks, marine chronometers, electric clocks, and wristwatches. -
Clocks and Time - Horological directory of web sites for organizations, museums for clocks and watches, mailing lists, book reviews and a watch and clock FAQ. -
The Astrolabe - The history and uses of the astrolabe, a very ancient astronomical computer for solving problems relating to time and the position of the Sun and stars in the sky. -
Sundials by François Blateyron - Dedicated to sundials, with pictures and a freeware program to download. -
Attleboro Clocks Co. Research - Dedicated to research on antique clocks with Attleboro Clock Co. Attleboro Mass on the dial. -