Loebig, Dave - Random Digressions - Often tongue-in-cheek and humorous commentary, but sometimes serious commentary. - http://www.randomdigressions.com/
Carline, Gayle - Collection of stories from a writer who juggles family, home, career, and the occasional 900-pound horse. - http://www.gaylecarline.com/
Hanna, Mary - Author & Speaker - Freelance humor columnist for the San Mateo County Times and author of "You May Already Be a Wiener!" - http://www.maryhanna.net
Van Ostrand, Maggie - Opinionated, humorous weekly column about people, places and things, that currently appears in several publications online and in print. - http://www.maggievanostrand.com
Jacks, Beth Boswell - Snippets - Syndicated columnist, book author, and freelance writer whose weekly column appears in a number of southern newspapers. - http://usadeepsouth.ms11.net//snippets.html
Fleschner, Malcolm - Culture Shlock - Uniquely irreverent perspective on pop culture, politics, parenthood and many additional topics. - http://web.mac.com/fleierfamily/iWeb/CultureShlock/Home.html
Beckerman, Tracy - Lost in Suburbia, - Syndicated humor column carried by several New Jersey newspapers. Sample columns are posted on this site, as well as the latest column. - http://web.mac.com/beckerlady/
Papandrew, Jackie - Airing My Dirty Laundry - Columnist delves deep into the laundry basket of life, exposing everything from a spouse's sexual silliness to a teenager's text message tantrums. Dive in and discover a hamper full of hilarity! - http://jackiepapandrew.com
Olsen, Suzanna - Gentle Humor for Everyday Women - Articles to tickle women who are not desperate housewives, dodge life's curveballs like they were the papparazzi, and have a sense of humor about it. - http://www.gentlehumor.com
Schwartzberg, Joel - Jest To Kill - The writing portfolio of a weekly humor columnist, former children's television writer, and doomed game show contestant, among other distractions. - http://www.jesttokill.com
Murphy, Andy & Ray Tice - Stolen Soap - Humor columns and articles on website where crimes against comedy make sqeaky clean getaways. - http://www.stolensoap.com
Sherman, B. Elwin - Humorist - Weekly humor column, free subscription mailing list, archives, guest columnist, member of The Net Wits - http://www.toolkitinparadise.com
Leff, Howard - Party of One - Writer of humor/lifestyle columns for the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune's RedEye edition. - http://www.howardleff.com
Southern Humorists - A Humor Writers' Group - Southern humorists are writers, columnists, and others who aspire to entertain with humor, southern style. - http://www.southernhumorists.com
D'Arcangelo, Lyndsey - Dream a Lofty Dream - Site of creative writer, copywriter for The Buffalo News, and Columnist for Outcome, a gay and lesbian monthly magazine, and novelist. - http://www.dreamaloftydream.com
Heitman, Lisa Marie - So She Said - Comic writer who writes humor for today's modern woman, poking fun at traditional roles. - http://www.soshesaid.com/
Langworthy, Andrea - Award winning writer and Minnesota newspaper columnist offers snippets of life as she sees it--seasoned with humor, reminiscence and reflection. - http://www.andrealangworthy.com
Estill, Diane - The View Askew - Musings of a domestic failure who finds humor in everything from grilling to toilet repair - http://dianaestill.com
Brock, John - Southern Observer - A newspaper column a newspaper that depicts one person's observations of growing up and living Southern - along with occasional topics of national interest. - http://www.southernobserver.com
Workman, Morris - Workman Chronicles - Humor columnist shares his "odd-servations" and twisted perspectives on small-town living, national news, sports, and societal whims. Featured weekly in the Desert Valley Times, Nevada. - http://www.morrisworkman.com/
Frieswick, Kris - Humor Columnist - A contributing writer for the Phoenix newspapers, an award-winning chain of alternative news weeklies throughout New England. - http://mysite.verizon.net/vzepnnz3/index.htm
Rhea, Ronda - Speaker and humor columnist encourages her readers and listeners to dig into the Word of God for the answers to life. - http://rhondarhea.gospelcom.net/
Rice, Heidi - Humor Columnist - Married without children, an award-winning humor column, takes a funny look at life without kids, from day-to-day life to issues facing the baby boomer generation. - http://www.heidirice.com/
Leonhardt, David - The Happy Guy Humor Column - A heaping helping of humor and satire with a dash of personal growth. - http://www.thehappyguy.com/positive-thinking-free-ezine.html
Webb, June - Poozie's Ponderings - A weekly humor column about raising a family, razing a husband and the trials and tribulations of daily life. - http://www.pooziesponderings.com
Bridges, C.A. - Twenty-Four/Seven - Weekly humor column on pop culture, movies, TV, the web, and other magnificent time-wasters. - http://www.news-journalonline.com/column/247/
Pascucci, Maria - Creative Type - Full-time freelance writer whose work appears regularly in The Buffalo News and several other publications. - http://www.creativetypeco.com
Shein, Bill - Reason Gone Mad - Winner of the 2005 National Press Club Award for Humor, a twice-weekly column from The Berkshire Eagle newspaper. - http://www.reasongonemad.com
Hammond, Sonya - Sonya's Dead End - Commentary, satire, and humour from one woman's view of almost everything - http://sonya.lanecurrent.net/
Richards, J.K. - The Village Idiom - Observational humor columnist whose rural roots flavor his views. - http://www.villageidiom.evereden.com/
Enderland, Ron - Reality Bytes - Humor about computers and computing. - http://www.worldvillage.com/wv/cafe/html/feature/reality/reality.htm
Purcell, Tom - Humor Columnist - A nationally syndicated humor columnist and satirist based in Washington, D.C. - http://www.tompurcell.com/
Lane, Mark - Humor and comment by newspaper columnist at Daytona Beach News-Journal - http://home.earthlink.net/~markrlane/index.htm
Gonick, Jean - Failing At Living - Humor columnist for San Francisco Chronicle. - http://www.sfgate.com/columnists/gonick/archive/
Kramer, Jeff - Humor columnist in Orange County Register, California. - http://www.ocregister.com/accent/kramervision/columns/
Kennedy, Michelle - Without A Net - Writer and humor columnist, her work has appeared in Salon.com and The New York Times. - http://www.mishakennedy.com/
Karo, Aaron - Ruminations - Bi-weekly column pondering life as a recovering frat boy with mailing list of over 50,000 subscribers. - http://www.aaronkaro.com
Shoupe, Myrtle - The Hima News - Weekly column of a 95 year old woman in the Manchester (KY) Enterprise. - http://www.myrtle.org
Freed, Josh - JoshFreed.ca - Humorous Saturday column about everything from potholes to politics to pigeons. Also, an award-winning documentary film maker. - http://www.joshfreed.ca
Spiegel, Mary Jo - The Saucy Cook - Join in everyday misadventures that end with an appropriate recipe, not for disaster, but good cooking. - http://www.saucycook.com
Schmitt, Paula - The All Sports Mom - Writer and Humor Columnist from Vermont whose work has appeared in The Herald of Randolph. - http://www.paulaschmitt.com
Steyn, Mark - Current and archived columns about politics, arts and culture from the Canadian humorist. Includes links to the worldwide papers carrying his columns and book ordering details. - http://www.steynonline.com/
Lease, Daryl - Humorist covers news, politics and general happenings. Published in the Herald Tribune in Florida. - http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?category=COLUMNIST33
O'Farrell, John - Biting humor about everyday life, politics, government and business. Includes archives from his weekly Guardian column and links to his latest books. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/Columnists/Archive/0,5673,-461,00.html
Hogan, Phil - Self-deprecating humorist focuses on everyday and family life. Full archives of his weekly column in the Guardian plus links to his latest books. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/Columnists/Archive/0,5673,-241,00.html
Smillie, Julia - Writer - Humor and lifestyle musings from a national award winning columnist and freelance writer. - http://www.readjulia.com
Brandao, Curt - Digital Slob - Advance in the 21st century with as little effort as possible with a smarty-pants column for the rest of us. - http://www.digitalslob.com
Herrera, Tim - Tim's Family Room - Family oriented humor site from award-winning writer, public speaker and family columnist. - http://www.timherrera.com
Martin, John - Dunno - Australian writes humor on the funny side of life. - http://www.dunno.com.au
Hodges, Brian - Hey Guess What - Humor column written by a "grownup" who just can't get the vivid memories of childhood out of his head. - http://www.hey-guess-what.com
Schultze, Rick - Yachats, Oregon, freelance writer, observational columnist, humor columnist, and book and music reviewer for newspapers, magazines, and online. - http://www.rickschultze.com/index.htm
Chianca, Peter - At Large - Funny observations on modern life, pop culture and parenting, as featured in the award-winning weekly column from the Boston Herald and other newspapers. - http://www.chianca-at-large.com
Stupidman - Funny pictures, funny stories by Stupidman, Internet Guru Trainee - http://www.stupidmanok.com
Rearick, Cappy Hall - Simply Southern - Read columns that will make you laugh and make you cry, bringing the South alive for you. - http://www.simplysoutherncappy.com
McKay, Peter - HomeMaking - Columns from a syndicated humor columnist and home repair demon. - http://www.peter-mckay.com
Kaiser, Frank - Suddenly Senior - Reports from the front lines of the profound and funny experience of becoming a geezer. - http://www.suddenlysenior.com
Ryan, Paul - Ramblings - Daily humor column, a cult favorite on the web. - http://www.dailyramblings.com/
Twedt, Kristen - Southern humor columnist who writes for The Hattiesburg American in Mississippi. - http://www.kristentwedt.com
Groce, Jay - writejaywrite - Humor columns, columns with humor, and humorous words strung together in column form. - http://www.writejaywrite.com
Revell, Ken - kenrevell.com - The writings of Ken Revell, southern humor columnist, author and conservative political commentator. - http://www.kenrevell.com
Lautens, Stephen - Virtually Stephen Lautens - Humor column that appears weekly in the Calgary Sun, Winnipeg Sun and the London Free Press. Also an archive of past columns and a tribute to Gary Lautens. - http://www.lautens.com
Conrad's Column - Humerous, critical and other commentaries on life in general. - http://www.columnar.com/column/column.html
Harper, Bill - humourwriter.com - A weekly humour column -- because life's too stupid to take seriously - http://www.humourwriter.com
Fox, Dave - Dave the Fox - Humor and travel articles, weekly humor columns, and international travel journals. - http://www.davethefox.com
Davis, Sven - An archive of columns and features relating to the arts, media, advice, how-to, and social commentary. - http://svendavis.com
Hoppe, Arthur - Tribute and small archive for legendary columnist of San Francisco Chronicle - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/srch_archive/columnists.cgi?waisdbname=/web/sfgate/wais/chronicle/&byline=arthur+hoppe
Miller, Sandra Ann - RUAWAKE - A humorous column of the insights, opinions and misadventures of an L.A. woman. - http://www.ruawake.com/
Doucette, Gene - GenePool - A humorist, playwright, and a skeptic. Also contains the "Other Worst-Case Scenario Survival." - http://www.genepool.addr.com/
Smith, Barry - Irrelativity - A syndicated humor column by an Aspen Times columnist in Colorado. - http://www.irrelativity.com
Summers, Jaron - Jaron's Wacky Tales - Writer of hundreds of humorous columns and articles for newspapers and magazines, prime time television, as well as radio dramas, and a dozen novels. - http://jaronbs.com/wackyindex.htm
Deckers, Erik - Laughing Stalk Humorpage - Observational and satirical weekly humor column published in several print and online newspapers. - http://www.kconline.com/deckers
Gagliardi, Greg - Progressive Revelations - The weekly saga is a stream-of-consciousness look at the very small things in life. - http://www.progressiverevelations.com/
Bayan, Rick - Some Cynical Guy - Dark-humored weekly syndicated column from the author of "The Cynic's Dictionary." - http://www.i-cynic.com/weekly.asp
Chartrand, David - Humor Columnist - Essays about life, death, love, families, parents and children that have been reprinted in newspapers and magazines coast to coast. - http://www.davidchartrand.com
Teitell, Beth - Boston Humor Columnist - Writes a column for the Boston Herald Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Read her humorous observations online about stuff in the news, life's idiosyncrasies (and her own). - http://www.teitell.com/
Townsend, David N. - The Beanstalk - A humor column, covering current events, ideas, travel, personal experiences, and esoterica, with a tinge of social conciousness. - http://www.dntownsend.com/Site/Beanstk/bnstk1.htm
Marilee, MaryLee - The Crackpot - Humor/Lifestyle column by writer/columnist and 'cheerleader for the human spirit.' - http://www.the-crackpot.com
Mad Dog Weekly - Doing it Doggy Style, and a humor column. - http://www.maddogproductions.com/
Kane, Madeleine Begun - Humor Columnist - Award winning Raising Kane humor columns about computers, jobs, cars, workplace, travel, technology, the Internet, and other aggravations. - http://www.madkane.com
Perry, Peary - Letters from North America - Weekly humor and general commentary column covering topics ranging from men/women relationships to space travel. - http://www.pearyperry.com
Moss, Sheila - Humor Columnist - Humor columnist writes funny stories and witty commentary. Site includes humor newsletter, extensive archive of humor columns and other funny stuff. - http://www.humorcolumnist.com