National Society of Newspaper Columnists - Sage advice from veteran scribes and networking opportunities for staff columnists, self-syndicated and freelance columnists, and novices. Find facts about fellow members in the database. -
CNews: Columnists - Columnists from CNews, the Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, London Free Press, Ottawa Sun, Toronto Sun, Webfin and Winnipeg Sun. -
Tribune Media Services: Commentators in Art and Text - Offers opinion and analysis columnists and editorial cartoonists. Full list plus directories by type. -
Creators: Opinion - Column archives, biographies and contact information for the member columnists, representing a variety of viewpoints. -
American Daily - Offers daily opinion columns from various politically conservative commentators. Includes profiles and a newsletter. -
The Columnists - San Francisco Bay Area newspaper columnists, now working independently, have joined their talents to produce free columns on the arts, including theater, film, television, humor and life in general. -
Newspaper Columnists Online - Online directory to over 700 newspaper and editorial columnists. Also editorial cartoonists, political sites, politically oriented periodicals, and other political science resources. -
HeadlineSpot: Columnists - Directory of columnists grouped by subject. -
The Conservative Chronicle: Columnists - Directory of more than 35 nationally-respected columnists and 26 cartoonists with conservative appeal. -