St. Brigid's Summer Camp - Private residential summer camp for boys and girls age 8-14. Activities include swimming, boating, campfire, sports, arts, and crafts. Includes photographs and information. -
Parkside Ranch - Christian camp near Magog for kids 9-16. Photos of the facilities and activities, rates, calendar, camp availability, and an online registration form. -
Laurentian Camp Cherith - A co-ed camp for children in grades 3-9, the summer camp extension of Pioneer Clubs. Site includes a discussion board. -
Frontier Lodge - Christian youth camp for kids 7 -16. Schedule, photos, pricing, staff application, and registration form. Located on Lake Wallace. -
Pripstein's Camp - Located in the Laurentian mountains north of Montreal. Offers well-balanced athletic, waterfront and art programs. Features a brouchure, and registration details. -
Camp Ouareau - A private girls camp founded 1922. Located in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, 90 miles N. of Montreal. Offers an English-French language program. -