Japanese Cooking For Kids - A collection of recipes and cooking tips for children interested in making Japanese dishes. - http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/cook/
Things Japanese - A step-by-step guide to using chopsticks. - http://mothra.rerf.or.jp/ENG/Hiroshima/Things/85.html
The Virtual Japanese Restaurant - Teaches about Japanese food and culture.Includes quick facts about the country's climate, terrain, population, and religions. - http://library.thinkquest.org/20013/
Umeboshi - Making the pickled plum of traditional Japan. Also with a collection of recipes using the plum. - http://www.pickled-ume.com/english/
Japanese Food - Basic information and photographs. Includes a more detailed look at two popular noodle dishes, sushi, and the snacks prepared by street vendors. - http://www.amphi.com/~psteffen/fmf/food.htm
Making Rice Cakes - Pictures and simple text show how these sticky treats are made. - http://markun.cs.shinshu-u.ac.jp/japan/moti/index-e.html
Rolling Your Own Sushi - Detailed guide to preparing sushi. Includes recipes for several different varieties. - http://www.rain.org/~hutch/sushi.html
The World's First Japanese Pizza Page - Showcase of Japanese-style pizzas, with lists of common (and not-so-common) toppings. - http://www.chachich.com/mdchachi/jpizza.html