Learning to Use Money - Describes how to count American money and make change. - http://arcytech.org/java/money/
SmartStart - Presented by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce which has a savings account program they are marketing, this site also has informative games, advice on how to manage an allowance, advice on how to save. - http://www.cibc.com/ca/youth/
Dollars and Sense for Kids - A guide to banking, history of money, fun facts, games, and riddles. - http://www.banksite.com/kidscorner/
Fed 101 - Students can learn the history of the Federal Reserve System, follow the path of a check written at a neighborhood store, and become a virtual bank examiner. - http://www.federalreserveeducation.org/fed101/
Money Scents - Elementary school students tell about the history of money in the United States and share fun facts about U.S. currency. - http://library.thinkquest.org/J003358F/
Kids Consumer Corner - ThinkQuest site provides information on spending, saving, and investing. - http://library.thinkquest.org/3643/
Banking Kids Page - Interactive activities introduce children and teenagers to the basics of savings and checking accounts. - http://www.bankingkids.com/
PBS: Electric Money - Explores how computers have revolutionized the financial world. - http://www.pbs.org/opb/electricmoney//
Banking on Our Future - Covers the basics of banking, checking, savings, and investing. - http://www.bankingonourfuture.org/
Escape from Knab - Travelers stranded in the Cyberspace world of Knab must earn money and invest it wisely to get back home. - http://www.escapefromknab.com/
KidsBank.Com - Sovereign Bank of New England presents a tutorial for kids designed to explain the basics of such banking services as how savings, interest, and checking works. - http://www.kidsbank.com/
FDIC: Learning Bank - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is the US governmental agency that insures bank depositors if their bank fails. This site is designed to help kids know how this agency works and why it is important to have. - http://www.fdic.gov/about/learn/learning/index.html
Kids and Money - A newsletter for young people and their parents about managing money. From the North Dakota State University Extension Service. - http://ndsuext.nodak.edu/extnews/pipeline/d-parent.htm
Allowance Statistics - How much money kids get, according to a non-scientific poll; by age and amount received weekly. - http://www.kidsmoney.org/allstats.htm#Amt
Just For the Fun of It - A few quick sights and sounds of money, literally. - http://www.kidsmoney.org/fun.htm