Puzzles of the Earth - Introduces plate tectonics and tells how this theory explains world geography and the origins of volcanoes, earthquakes, and other geologic phenomena. - http://library.thinkquest.org/17701/
The ABC's of Plate Tectonics - Offers an analysis on the some of the principles behind 'plate tectonics' including how rift zones develop and how the structural properties of land masses produce certain collisions. - http://webspinners.com/dlblanc/tectonic/ptABCs.php
Quia - Java Games - Contains games and activities that help users learn some terms related to the study of plate tectonics and continental drift. - http://www.quia.com/jg/514.html
CVO Website - Plate Tectonics and Sea-Floor Spreading - Learn what the Ring of Fire is, along with further information on the theory of plate tectonics and how it has contributed toward the formation of mountains. - http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/description_plate_tectonics.html
Paleomap Project - Contains an online archive of images of the Earth from the late Precambrian era over 60 million years ago. Features information on climate history and research. - http://www.scotese.com/earth.htm
An Introduction to Plate Tectonics - Find out how and why certain plates move and learn some of the theories that scientists have used to explain these movements. - http://www.hartrao.ac.za/geodesy/tectonics.html