Hydrogen Newsletter: The Hindenburg - Advocates the theory that the hydrogen in the blimp did not affect the Hindenburg disaster. - http://www.hydrogenus.com/advocate/ad22zepp.htm
Zeppelin Library: Hindenburg - Statistics, facts, and photos about this historic blimp. - http://www.ciderpresspottery.com/ZLA/greatzeps/german/Hindenburg.html
Zeppelin Library - Facts and photos about the different uses for blimps throughout history. - http://www.ciderpresspottery.com/ZLA.html
Interview With Mr. Butscher - Read an interview with this crew member aboard the Hindenburg's flight to America. - http://www.gzg.fn.bw.schule.de/stadt/zeppelin/10e_int.htm
Secrets of the Dead - Includes facts about the Hindenburg, find out about the new theory, and read an interview with a NASA scientist. - http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/
The Hindenburg Disaster - Contains photos and video clips of the accident. - http://www.vidicom-tv.com/tohiburg.htm
Goodyear Blimp - Official site includes fact photos and history of the famed blimp. - http://www.goodyearblimp.com/