Hippopotamus Amphibius (Hippo): Narrative - Information on geography range, natural history, and scientific classification. - http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippopotamus_amphibius.html
River Hippopotamus - Describes their habits with links to other sites. Also includes pictures of hippos, with a map of where they live. - http://www.ultimateungulate.com/Artiodactyla/Hippopotamus_amphibius.html
Pygmy Hippopotamus - General information on hippopotamuses, including its life style, habitat, and life cycle. - http://www.ultimateungulate.com/Artiodactyla/Hexaprotodon_liberiensis.html
Hippopotamus - View pictures of hippos and learn about the habitat, movement, life cycle, and behavior of the hippo. - http://nature-wildlife.com/hipptxt.htm