Spectacled Eider - Learn what they look like, where they live, and how the US Fish and Wildlife Service is working to protect them. - http://www.r7.fws.gov/media/SpecEider_FactSheet.htm
Steller's Eider - Tells where they live and breed, why they are threatened, and what is being done to protect them. From the US Fish and Wildlife Service. - http://www.r7.fws.gov/media/StellEider_FactSheet.htm
Shelduck - Read what they look like, where they nest in the UK, what they eat, and why they are amber-listed. Hear their sounds. [Audio/video requires free Quicktime download.] - http://www.rspb.org.uk/birds/guide/s/shelduck/index.asp
Common Scoter - Read about this red-listed seaduck, how big it is, where it lives in the UK, why it is endangered and what sound it makes. [Audio/video requires free Quicktime download.] - http://www.rspb.org.uk/birds/guide/c/commonscoter/index.asp
Seaducks.org - Dedicated to the survival of the ducks of the tribe Mergini. - http://seaducks.org/
Common Merganser - Learn, from the Sea Duck Joint Venture, how they look in flight, where they nest, how they migrate, and why they are being studied. - http://seaduckjv.org/infoseries/come_sppfactsheet.pdf
Black Scoter - Discusses what they look like, where they nest and winter, what they eat, and how they are threatened. From the Sea Duck Joint Venture. - http://seaduckjv.org/infoseries/blsc_sppfactsheet.pdf
Barrow's Goldeneye - Sea Duck Joint Venture explains what they look like, where they nest and spend the winter, and how they are threatened. - http://seaduckjv.org/infoseries/bago_sppfactsheet.pdf
Harlequin Duck Tracking - View a slideshow about a November 2000 trip to explore whether these birds were still in danger from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. - http://alaska.fws.gov/seaduckjv/harlequin_slide_show_files/frame.htm