Musk Duck - Tells about the largest of Australia's ducks. Includes what it looks like, where it lives and nests, and what it eats. -
Good Luck, Wood Duck - Tells how this, almost extinct, waterfowl has been helped by artificial nesting boxes. Learn how and where to build one. -
Bufflehead - Read about this little diving duck, how it got its name, where it nests and spends the winter, and how it feeds. -
Australian Shelduck - Learn what they look like, where they live and build their nests, and what they eat. -
Ducks - Why they are different from other waterfowl, how they choose a mate and build nests, migration, different kinds, and domestic ducks. -
Mallard - Photo of the male and female of this species, range maps, and facts about its habitat and diet. -
American Wigeon - Explains where they nest and spend the winter, what they eat, tips to identify them, and maps of their ranges. -
Ducks of the World - Includes photographs and facts about the physical characteristics, wintering territories, and nesting of selected species. -
Green-Winged Teal - Offers a sound file and facts about this duck's physical traits, food habits, and behavior. -
American Black Duck - Photo, physical description, distribution, reproduction, ecology, and behavior of this species. Includes a sound file. -
All About Ducks for Kids - Learn all about ducks, their habitats, and their importance to people. -