What Are Purple Martins? - Explains the importance of nestboxes (birdhouses) for the survival of this species. - http://www.purplemartins.com/About-Purple-Martins.htm
Great Bird of Paradise - Learn about the bird of paradise. Information includes description, habitat, and diet. - http://aviary.owls.com/bird_paradise/birdofparadise.html
Northern Mockingbird - Hear the sound made by this bird and learn about the appearance, habitat, range, and nesting behavior of the mockingbird. - http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/detail.asp?recnum=BD0136
Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) - Lists information about the appearance, habitat, range, and life cycle of the mockingbird. - http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_UW094
Cerulean Warbler - Provides information about the size, habitat, identification features, and diet of this bird that sounds as if it's buzzing. - http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/ceuwarbler.html
Barn Swallow - Describes the appearance, breeding, and range of the barn swallow. - http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mnh/nature/nsbirds/bns0261.htm