Living With Raptors - Discusses things that attract raptors and their possible conflicts with humans. Offers solutions to common problems such as trapped birds and electrocution. -
Raptors - Birds of Prey - Brief article tells about raptors. Includes birds in the family and common features. -
Raptor Facts - Factsheet explains what makes a bird a raptor. Includes interesting facts, scientific classification, and different raptor families. -
Introduction to Raptors - Tells about hawks, eagles, falcons, owls, secretary bird, osprey, and vultures. Includes information on each group, mythology and folklore, pictures, and details about members of these families. -
Honey Buzzard - Learn where it lives, when to see it in the UK, why it is endangered and what is being done to help. Hear an audio of its call from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. -
eNature: Hawkwatch - Lists places, in the United States, where raptors can be seen on their migration flights. Tells what birds can be seen and when, by location. -
Hawks Aloft: Kids Page! - Read about a different special raptor species, play games, and do an experiment. -
Raptor Fact Sheet - Find out what makes eagles, falcons, hawks, and owls alike and why they are different. Learn what is being done to help these endangered birds. -
PBS: Shadow Over the Sun - Explains what a raptor is, which birds are in the family, where they live, and how they fly. -