The Ozone Layer - Answers several frequently asked questions about the ozone layer. -
Ozone News - Several articles about ozone and its effects on humans. -
Wikipedia: Ozone Depletion - Looks at the ozone cycle, causes of ozone depletion, and a history of research about the ozone hole. -
Wikipedia: Ozone Layer - Encyclopedia article that explains what the ozone layer is, and why we need it. -
Air Info Now: What is Ozone? - Describes the chemical makeup of ozone, the good ozone does when it is high, and the bad health effects it has when close to the surface. -
The Ozone Layer: What's Going On Up There? - Explains how the ozone layer is being depleted, and what you can do about it. -
Ozone Guarding our Earth - Learn how ozone in the stratosphere makes living on the Earth possible. -
What is Depletion of the Ozone Layer? - Tells how ozone is broken apart by the Sun's powerful rays, and by human-made chemicals. -
All About Ozone - Looks at the ozone layer, depletion, and has frequently asked questions about ozone. -
Ozone - A detailed look at ozone in the atmosphere, the difference between bad and good ozone, and how it's being depleted. -
The Ozone Hole Tour - An overview of the ozone layer and the development of the ozone hole over the Antarctic. -
EPA SunWise for Kids: Ozone Layer - Tells why we need ozone in the stratosphere to live, how CFC's destroy ozone, and what you can do about it. -
Hole in the Ozone Layer? - Learn how it all started, how to fix the problem and what the future outlook is. -
ESA Kids: Losing the Ozone Layer - Explains why we need the ozone layer, and has a picture of the ozone hole viewed from space. -