English Library - Features links to biographies, literature, poetry, and foreign classics. Includes alphabetical index of authors, as well as dictionaries and other reference works. - http://www.englishlibrary.net/
NoodleTools - A suite of interactive tools designed to aid students with their online research, from selecting a search engine and finding some relevant sources, to citing those sources. - http://www.noodletools.com/
Time and Date - Lots of time and date related information, such as yearly and monthly calendars, counters, countdown, and the world clock which shows the current time in cities all over the world. - http://www.timeanddate.com/
Research-It - Look up the meaning of a word, find out when a famous person lived, or identify a foreign language at this one-stop research center. - http://www.itools.com/
eLook - Provides information on programming, computers, definitions, and literature. - http://www.elook.org/
Inter-Lace Webtopics Directory: - This teacher-librarian designed website contains searching tips and a weblinks topic subject list for teachers and students. Contains a high percentage of Australian links. - http://members.ozemail.com.au/~slacey
Info Zone Research Skills Area - Exploration of the research process and links to related sites. - http://www.pembinatrails.ca/infozone
Martindale's Reference Desk - Massive collection of links to reference resources includes language centers, calculators, maps, science tables and important websites of various countries. - http://www.martindalecenter.com/
Gary Price Fast Facts - Compilation of quick reference resources, including almanacs, statistics, and fact books. - http://www.freepint.com/gary/handbook.htm
Electronic Text Center - Online archive includes over 45,000 classic texts in 12 languages. - http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/
Ben's Phaster Online Reference Desk - Reference search guide. Research portal covers biography, dictionary, encyclopedia, language translation, thesaurus, world and city maps - http://www.phaster.com/find_info_ref.html
My Virtual Reference Desk - Links to a variety of resources including news, weather, sports, encyclopedias, facts on file, FAQs, and tutorials. - http://www.refdesk.com/
TekMom's Search Tools for Students - An easy-to-use, one-page reference desk for students. Includes kids' search engines, encyclopedias, biographies, images, dictionaries, and maps. - http://www.tekmom.com/search/
Simpson's Contemporary Quotations - online database and comprehensive list of world's most notable quotations from 1950-1980. - http://www.bartleby.com/63/
Emily Post: Rules of Etiquette - Guide to good manners includes thousands of tips on correspondence, party giving, and conduct in every public or private setting. - http://www.bartleby.com/95/1.html
FactMonster - Includes searchable information related to sports, entertainment, geography, history, biography, education, and health. - http://www.factmonster.com/
The Amazing Picture Machine - Index to graphical resources and maps on the internet. Database of all types of images suitable for children. - http://www.ncrtec.org/picture.htm
Bartleby.com - Search for famous quotes, classic literature, and nonfictional works. Site also includes dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus. - http://www.bartleby.com/
Infonation - View and compare statistical data for countries that are a part of the United Nations. Find everything from land size to population, average temperature to crime rates. - http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/infonation/e_infonation.htm
Finding Data on the Internet - A journalist teaches other writers how to use the Internet to find facts. - http://www.robertniles.com/data/