Spelling Bee Quiz - Test your ability by trying to spell these difficult and commonly misspelled words. - http://reference.aol.com/nowyouknow/spelling-bee
New Zealand Spelling Bee - Official site of the New Zealand Spelling Bee, open to all year 9 students under the age of 16. Includes information on registration, study, news, and prizes. - http://www.spellingbee.co.nz
OzSpeller - Provides free Australian online spelling tutor and game with spoken words, hints, dictionary, and sentence prompts. Includes keyboard game and typing tutor. - http://www.ozspeller.com
Spelling Therapy - Contains a list of frequently misspelled words with color-coded clues to help remember the correct spelling. - http://carintech.com/gfx/spelling/index.htm
Between the Lions - Play games with words, and learn about spelling with these fun characters.[Shockwave, Flash] - http://pbskids.org/lions/games/
Spelling Pictures Game - Drag and drop the missing letters. (Grades K-1) - http://quizhub.com/quiz/f-spelling.cfm
Spelling Tips from Mrs. Kelly - A second grade teacher provides twelve ways to practice spelling words. - http://www.setonschool.com/~rkelly/spellingtips.shtml
How Well can you Spell - Interactive spelling test uses 16 frequently misspelled words. From Microsoft Encarta. - http://encarta.msn.com/quiz_36/How_Well_Can_You_Spell.html
Think Quest: Spelling Made Easy - Two fifth-graders present spelling rules and tips for remembering how to spell a word. Includes practice tests and games at different levels. - http://library.thinkquest.org/5139/
Spelling: A Key to Good Communication - Featuring short lessons followed by practice exercises and word lists. Includes a guide to commonly misspelled words. - http://archon.educ.kent.edu/Midwest/Materials/ndakota/spelling/toc.html
(American) English Spelling - Master spelling tricks, general rules and using computer spell checkers. - http://www.studygs.net/spelling.htm
Spellbee - Free multi-player video game. Requires registration. - http://aeaea.cs-i.brandeis.edu:8080/spellbee/index.jsp
List of Commonly Misspelled Words - A compiled list of the most commonly misspelled words. Also includes a quiz. - http://www.esldesk.com/esl-quizzes/misspelled-words/misspelled-words.htm
Spelling Tips - Activities to use while practicing spelling words. - http://www.capousd.org/gwes/hudelson/spelling.html
See 'N Spell at PrimaryGames.com - A series of interactive games test knowledge of short vowels, long vowels, blends, diagraphs, other vowels, and plurals. - http://www.primarygames.com/see-n-spell/see-n-spell.htm
SpinAndSpell - Offers an animated spelling game for children ages 4-8. - http://www.spinandspell.com/
Musical Spelling Rules - Lyrics and music to songs which teach four common spelling rules. - http://gardenofpraise.com/spell1.htm
LD Online: Spelling Strategies - Suggestions on how to practice spelling words. - http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/teaching_techniques/spelling_studying.html
SpellaRoo from Funbrain.com - Find the spelling errors in these fun sentences. Choose between beginning and intermediate levels. - http://www.funbrain.com/spellroo/
Scripps National Spelling Bee - Includes weekly literature-based word activities, a listing of local spelling bees, the history of the national (American) event, rules, and answers to frequently asked questions. - http://www.spellingbee.com/
Spell Check from Funbrain.com - Identify the word that is spelled incorrectly. Choose between two levels of difficulty. - http://www.funbrain.com/spell/index.html
Spelling Test - A journalism professor and former copy editor offers an interactive test of 50 commonly misspelled words, as well as spelling tips. - http://www.sentex.net/~mmcadams/spelling.html