Junior Achievement of the Central Carolinas - Educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business and economics in order to improve the quality of their lives. Classes taught by volunteers. - http://www.jacarolinas.org/
Junior Achievement of Manitoba - Organization's goal is to inspire and educate young Canadians to value free enterprise, understand business and economics and develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills - http://www.jamanitoba.org/
Junior Achievement in Brantford - Inspiring and educating young Canadians to value free enterprise, understand business and economics and develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills. - http://comdir.bfree.on.ca/JA/
Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches - Not for profit international organization that seeks to educate and improve young people to value free enterprise, understand business, and economics, and be work force ready. - http://www.juniorachievement.com/
Junior Achievement - Rock River Valley, Illinois - Partner with education, business, industry, and labor to assist all youth from kindergarten through twelfth grade in becoming workforce ready. - http://rockford.ja.org/
Junior Achievement of Mainland Nova Scotia - Delivering business education programs to over 7000 students in grade 6-12. - http://www.jacan.org/charters/mainlandnovascotia/
Junior Achievement Rocky Mountain, Inc. - This site contains information pertaining to the business and economics not for profit agency. - http://rockymountain.ja.org/
Junior Achievement of Santa Clara County, Inc. - Non-profit organization utilizing volunteers to teach students economic education, workforce readiness, and the importance of staying in school. - http://www.jascc.org/
Junior Achievement of Middle Tennessee - A nonprofit organization dedicated to educating young people about business, economics, and free enterprise through programs spanning grades K-12. - http://www.janash.com/
Junior Achievement of Arizona - Educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics. - http://jaaz.org/
Junior Achievement of Dallas, TX - Serving to educate young people to value free enterprise, understand business and economics and be workforce ready. - http://www.jadallas.org
Junior Achievement - Organization which helps children to value free enterprise through educational programs. - http://www.ja.org/
Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana - Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business and economics. - http://www.jaky.org/
Junior Achievement - Colorado - Educator and volunteer information, special events and contribution opportunities. - http://www.jacolorado.org/