- Information on JROTC programs for the different military services. Website hosting for unit homepages.
- http://www.jrotc.org
TX934 McNeil AFJROTC - Includes calendar, handbook, class notes, and uniform of the week. McNeil High School Air Force Junior ROTC, Austin, Texas. - http://www.tx934.com/
JROTC National Drill Championships - Full details and information about the National High School Drill Team Championships, which is the most famous Junior ROTC military drill and ceremony competition in the world. - http://www.thenationals.net/nhsdtc.htm
Naval JROTC - Includes program information, Instructor requirements and openings, a listing of host schools and basic facts about the Navy version of JROTC. - https://www.njrotc.navy.mil/
Roosevelt JROTC - The Rough Rider Battalion, made by cadets of the same battalion, includes command structure, events and special teams. - http://www.k12.hi.us/~rrotc/