Students For a Free Tibet - Formed in August 1994 to educate campuses and communities about the situation in Tibet, and take positive actions to assist the Tibetan people in their struggle for self-determination. Includes calendar, links, campaigns, and merchandise. -
Conservative Future - Plays an active role in recruiting and campaigning young conservative youths. - Choose or Lose - Mobilizing young voters to get registered,learn about candidates, and vote. -
Young Socialists - European Community Organisation of Socialist Youth (ECOSY) -
Young Greens - Information and resources for teenagers and students interested in the Green Party (UK) and its campaigns -
Young Liberals of Canada - Youth wing of the party provides input on policy. Lists the executives of the YLC, policies and events. Online registration allows individuals to join. -
The Young Liberal Movement - Organisation for young people (16 to 30 years of age) interested in joining the New South Wales Liberal party. -
Young Democrats of America - Designed to deliver valuable information about how to become part of a new generation of Democratic political activists. -
National Teen Age Republicans - Features links to clubs, list of resources and publications, and leadership conference information. -
United Nations Youth Association of New Zealand - Youth based non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting the United Nations and its ideals to a youth audience. Includes message boards, calendar, and related links. -
Young America's Foundation - Committed to ensuring young Americans understand and are inspired by individual freedom, strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values through publications, conferences, and programs. -
YPA - Young Politicians of America - Founded to expand the democratic experience to the youth in the United States. -