Jane Goodall - A Biography written by students in an Introduction to Anthropology class, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota. 2002. - http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/information/biography/fghij/goodall_jane.html
PBS Nature: Jane Goodall's Story - Biography of the pioneering chimpanzee researcher. - http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/goodall/story.html
WIC - Jane Goodall - Brief biography of the world's foremost authority on chimpanzees. Provided by the Women’s International Center. - http://www.wic.org/bio/jgoodall.htm
Jane Goodall: An Extraordinary Life - Extensive information on the British anthropologist; includes biographical information, video interview, curriculum vitae, and a study corner. - http://www.janegoodall.org/jane/
Webster University - Jane Goodall - Paper written by advanced seminar students Adrian G. Weiss, with a focus on intellectual contributions and the unique impact and special problems that being female had on Benedict’s career. - http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/janegoodall.html