eMedicine Health: Tonsillitis - Explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment, with advice on when to seek medical care. - http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/14273-1.asp
Movie: Tonsil and Adenoid Surgery - Online video provides details about having the tonsils removed. - http://www.tonsil.org/HBW/default.htm
Tonsils and Tonsillectomy - Fact sheet explains what tonsils are and what to expect when they have to be removed. - http://www.entnet.org/KidsENT/Kids-Tonsils.cfm
Doctor Secrets: Tonsillitis - Simple explanation and pictures of infected tonsils. - http://www.doctorsecrets.com/your-ears-nose-throat/tonsillitis-cause.html
KidsHealth: Tonsillitis - Answers questions about tonsils, how they get infected, and how it is treated. - http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/teeth/tonsillitis.html