Celiac Teens - Offers information and resources for teens, including a message board, recipe ideas, news, and links to other celiac sites. - http://www.celiacteens.com
Club Celiac - Read about causes and symptoms, good and bad foods, and how to start a gluten-free diet. Share information about eating out in the forum. - http://www.clubceliac.com
Cel Kids Network - For kids and teens living with celiac disease. Includes gluten free recipes, fun and games, camping opportunities, and tips for visiting the doctor. - http://www.csaceliacs.org/CelKidsNetwork.php
TeensHealth: Celiac Disease - Learn why lots of people with the disease don't know they have it, how it's diagnosed, and what foods to avoid. - http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/allergies_immune/celiac.html
KidsHealth: Recipes for Kids With Celiac Disease - Gluten-free recipes include popsicles, quesadillas, and cheesecake squares. - http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/gluten/about_cd_recipes.html
KidsHealth: Celiac Disease - Learn what it is, some signs and symptoms, and how it is treated. Includes tips to avoid gluten in food. - http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/nutrition/diets/celiac.html