Jim Kalb's Palindrome Connection - A collection of links to web pages about palindromes -- phrases that spell the same forwards as backwards, like "Able was I ere I saw Elba". - http://www.nyx.net/~jkalb/palindromes/
AskOxford: Word Games - Cryptic and easy crosswords, fiendish word games, the history of crosswords, and scrabble and behind the scenes at Countdown. - http://www.askoxford.com/wordgames/?view=uk
The Nautical Origins for Some Common Expressions - Explaining the seafaring origins of some common words, figures of speech, and everyday expressions, like "toe the line" and "scuttlebutt". - http://www.fortogden.com/nauticalterms.html
Kid Crosswords and Other Puzzles - Choose from several puzzles created just for kids. New puzzles each month. - http://www.kidcrosswords.com/
eLibs.com - Creating interactive stories from user inputs. Possibility to add a dialect; also different categories and polls. - http://www.elibs.com/
NOVA: Decoding Nazi Secrets - Crack the ciphers, send a coded message, and find out what goes on in the minds of code-breakers. - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/decoding/
Mockok.com - A large collection of palindromes, focusing on palindromic single sentences (spelling the same forwards and backwards). Submissions welcome. - http://www.mockok.com/
Lost in Translation - Enter a sentence to have it translated from English to five different languages and back. The result is often funny; nothing like the original sentence. - http://www.tashian.com/multibabel/
Wireless Power Word Game - Challenging word jumbles posted every week. - http://www.wirelesspower.com/