Worth Playing - Review, by Hugh McHarg: "It’s an often-thrilling example of what careful attention to level design, world creation and a mostly respectable treatment of your protagonist can do for the most well-worn of genres." [Score: 8.9 out of 10] - http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=33281
GameSpot - Reviews, news, previews, images, videos, downloads, cheats, links, and a forum. - http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/daxter/
Gaming Age - Review, by Mike Palermo: "...they raised the bar so high that it’s probably going to be a while before there is another PSP title that reaches this level of quality." [Grade: A] - http://www.gaming-age.com/cgi-bin/reviews/review.pl?sys=psp&game=daxter
GamePro - Review, by Four Eyed Dragon: "Completely skip the multiplayer aspect of Daxter, and you'll be pleasantly surprised to the game's accessibility and simple ways it draws you in for an all-around enjoyable adventure." [Score: 4 out of 5] - http://www.gamepro.com/sony/psp/games/reviews/52653.shtml
IGN - Screenshots, videos, cheats, guide, FAQs, reviews, previews, news, and a message board. - http://psp.ign.com/objects/688/688226.html
CCG - Provides hints and unlockables. - http://www.cheatscodesguides.com/playstation-portable-cheats/ready-at-dawn-project/
GameFAQs - FAQs, cheats, saved games, reviews, and a message board. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/data/927355.html
GameStats - Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board. - http://www.gamestats.com/objects/688/688226/