Diamond's Site - Original cat stories as told to Diamond the cat. - http://pages.interlog.com/~pbcrowe/dcwebsit/html/cfun.html
Reddy Fox - Tells the story of a fox family. - http://www.reddyfox.com/
Story Bear - Two online stories for young children. From Little Animals Activity Centre. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/laac/index.shtml
Roy Gilroy in the Children's House - Story about a Persian cat visiting a Montessori preschool in Orange County, California. - http://www.emalecdesign.com/roygilroy.htm
Cabbit Story - Story about a real life rabbit that thinks he is a cat and his adopted mother cat that loves him. - http://www.hopperhome.com/Cabbit/hopperhome-cabbit-home.htm
Kids' Corner - Features the stories of Beatrix Potter in text, RealAudio, streaming media, and multimedia slideshows. - http://wiredforbooks.org/kids.htm
Geronimo's Adventures - The fun adventures and travels of Geronimo Bear. - http://www.geronimobear.co.uk
Cherbear Stories - Christian stories, tidbits for the soul, insight cavern and daily encouragement. - http://www.cherbearsden.com/
Web-Pop - Interactive books and serialized stories driven by the adventures of tiny bio-electronic life forms called the Web-Poppers. Listen or read. - http://www.web-pop.com/readers.html
Children's Reading Room - From The Museum of Unnatural History, a collection of stories about Bunny and his friends. - http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/crr/index.htm
Panda Bears Playhouse - Interactive stories with animated graphics and sounds to hold the interest of children. - http://www.pandabearsplayhouse.com/
Merpy's World - Each month a new animated, interactive and musical adventure is featured with Merpy, Jeremy Dragonfly, and their friends. - http://www.merpy.com
Kamran and Mapa's First Travel Book - Adventures of a traveling kangaroo and elephant and how they learn about wisdom, truth and love. - http://www.visitnepal.com/kamran-mapa/first_travel_book/Welcome.html
John and El's Bear Time - Two little teddy bears, John and El, star in their own adventures. Featuring stories, songs and art. - http://www.beartime.com
Hi Monkey - The adventures of monkey - a small terry cloth primate. He has a nice personality, he tells good stories and he's a good cook. - http://www.himonkey.net
Chunky Monkey Fan Club - The original Chunky Monkey stories and characters. - http://www.chunkymonkey.com/
Zoo Place - Online stories and pictures about animals and zoos. - http://zooplace.com
Bembo's Zoo - A stylish animal alphabet site with illustrations created from the letters in each animal's name. Site uses Macromedia Flash. - http://www.bemboszoo.com/
Ant Bee's Stories - Free, complete children's stories with fun illustrations. - http://www.antbee.com
Animals Myths and Legends - Tales of animal myths and legends. Read stories, solve puzzles, play games, meet a dragon, and help save a world. - http://www.planetozkids.com/oban/
The Adventurous Bunny and Easter Island - A shipwrecked bunny is taken to Easter Island, and with the help of island creatures, becomes the Easter Bunny. - http://learningbox.com/bunny/