Ebates - E-commerce portal that connects with the most popular retailers and pays cash rebates on purchases. - http://www.ebates.com
Rebate Roulette - User-submitted rebate reviews and ratings. - http://www.rebateroulette.com/
Rebate Report Card - Rebate rankings submitted by consumers. Rebates are ranked from A to F, depending on length of time to get the money, complexity of instructions, quality of customer service and related details. - http://www.rebatereportcard.com/
Ed Foster's Gripelog: Rebate Bait - Explains how and why the rebate industry, especially on computers or electronic equipment, has (over)grown, and how rebate fulfillment shops make their money. - http://www.gripe2ed.com/scoop/story/2004/4/29/8438/35808
TCS: Shoot the Stupid Consumer - Article is from Tech Central Station discussing how the "mail-in rebate" offered by retailers can turn into a consumer nightmare and can legitimately be described as a "shady" business practice. - http://www.techcentralstation.com/021005F.html
FTC: Taking the "Bait" Out of Rebates - Advice from the Federal Trade Commission to help consumers successfully process and submit rebates. - http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/alerts/rebatealrt.htm
The Rebate Debate: Why Were They Late? - FTC settles charges against CompUSA for deceptive and unfair product rebate practices. - http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2005/03/compusa.htm
Confessions of a Mail-In Rebate Junkie - Information and advice on retaining and submitting mail-in rebates from manufacturers. - http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6l53f/confessionsofamailinrebatejunkie/