Central Air Conditioner For Homeowners
- Explain how central air conditioner works, history of air conditioning, and basic refrigeration cycle to advance operation principle for students and homeowners.
- http://www.central-air-conditioner-and-refrigeration.com/
Allexperts Repair Q and A - Volunteer mechanics answer questions via e-mail. Volunteers can be evaluated based on credentials and user ratings. - http://www.allexperts.com/browse.cgi?catLvl=3&catID=696
HVAC Stories at Old House Web - Advice geared toward historic or older homes. - http://www.oldhouseweb.com/stories/How-To/HVAC/
National Refrigerants - Technical support and regulatory updates; articles, faq, and news. - http://www.refrigerants.com/
RCD Mastics - How to locate, repair, and seal ductwork. - http://www.rcdmastics.com/
HVAC Mechanic - Information and support on heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems or controls for home owners and professionals. Knowledge base, recalls, forum, glossary, and events. - http://www.hvacmechanic.com
Ontario Propane Association - Liquid propane gas serviceman's handbook. Installation and inspection instructions. - http://www.propane.ca/Resources/
John Mills Work Page - Advice from a service manager on buying a new unit, illustrated essay on chimney liners, and a history of brand names. - http://www.johnmills.net/work/workpage.html
Space Conditioning Systems - Instructions on maintenance procedures for heating systems. Includes drawings and diagrams. - http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/mod02/01500601.html
Howstuffworks.com - Article that describes air conditioning operation from window units up to large industrial applications. - http://www.howstuffworks.com/ac.htm
AC-Pal - Software allows input of data from instrument readings and gives solution to the problem. Definition and help section provides additional information about concepts and functions. Demonstration version available. - http://www.ac-pal.com/index.html
The Boiler Room - Forum to post residential steam related questions. - http://www.boilerroom.com/homeforum.html
Home Ideas - Order form to request free literature on new units and related products. - http://www.homeideas.com/category.pl?site=hi&category=hvac
Heat Pipes - Fact sheet illustrates the theory and operation. Add-on device for air conditioner to improve de-humidification. - http://www.heatpipe.com/heatpipes.htm
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - EPA site provides advice on CO detectors, poisoning symptoms and prevention. - http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/coftsht.html
Air Conditioning Information and Diagnosis - Diagnostics chart for troubleshooting. Tips on air filters, refrigerant charging, thermostats, and operation. - http://www.longviewweb.com/index.htm
HVAC Glossary - Consumer guide to the array of efficiency ratings, abbreviations and acronyms used to describe or explain the products. - http://www.hvac-city.com/hv01002.htm
Honeywell - Devices include thermostats, humidistats, air cleaners and humidifiers. Everything from manuals to troubleshooting guides to programming instructions to product support. - http://www.honeywell.com/businesses/page6_5.html
Furnace Blower Repair - Short example on replacing bearings and fan belt. - http://www.misterfixit.com/htrblowr.htm
Big Blu Manual - Tutorial illustrating step by step procedures for finding refrigerant leaks. - http://www.refrigtech.com/bigblumanual1.html
Appliance411.com - List of do's and don'ts for maintenance and repair. - http://appliance411.com/links/Helpful_Tips/Air_Conditioner/
BTU Calculator - Estimate the heating needs of a room, combination of rooms, or an entire home. - http://hearth.com/calc/btucalc.html
HVAC-Talk - Software bulletin board for HVAC contractors, home-owners, do-it-yourself enthusiasts to use for heating and air conditioning concerns. - http://hvac-talk.com/
Carbon Monoxide Alert - Comprehensive site includes safe/unsafe practices, effects, detector placement, and discussion. - http://www.homesafe.com/coalert/
Hearth.com - Information on gas, wood, pellet, and coal appliances. Cost comparison of the different fuels. - http://www.hearth.com/what/specific.html
Learn Ductwork - Illustrated tutorial on fabricating sheet metal ductwork. - http://www.thesheetmetalshop.com
Hannabery HVAC - Everything from troubleshooting to maintenance and repair. - http://www.hannabery.com
Sound Home Resource Center - In-depth articles on topics related to improvement, care, and maintenance. - http://www.soundhome.com/topics/topic.shtml#energy
Duct Cleaning - EPA tips on how to determine if ductwork needs cleaning. Criteria for choosing a contractor. - http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/airduct.html
Heating System Maintenance - Tips on preparing a furnace for winter operation. - http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/hesguide/housing/gh5981.htm
Buried Tanks - Home Heating Oil - Legal, environmental and technical information. - http://www.inspect-ny.com/oiltanks/tanks.htm
HeatingHelp.com - Find answers to steam heating problems by posting questions for experts or reading excerpts from books about heating. - http://www.heatinghelp.com
Warmair.com - Information on heating system operation, components, troubleshooting and maintenance. - http://www.warmair.com