Elm Research Institute - Nonprofit organization dedicated to the restoration of the American elm tree, Ulmus americana. Includes information about Dutch elm disease and the American Liberty elm, a group of cultivars with resistance to this fungal disease. - http://www.landscapeelms.com
The American Chestnut Foundation - Dedicated to the restoration of the American Chestnut through scientific breeding and cooperative research. - http://www.acf.org/
Saskatchewan Dutch Elm Disease Association - The SDEDA is an association created to preserve the American Elm in Saskatchewan. Provides information on Dutch Elm Disease and ways to battle the disease. - http://www.sdeda.ca/
Elmcare.com - Devoted to elm trees and elm care with sections dealing with diseases (including Dutch elm disease), new research, tree physiology and other elm-related information. - http://www.elmcare.com
The Canadian Chestnut Council - Charitable organization to promote the American chestnut: organization and biological news. - http://www.uoguelph.ca/~chestnut/