Dahlia-net - Discussion group where growers can talk about dahlias. - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/dahlia-net/
The National Dahlia Collection - Supplies rooted cuttings and pot tubers of cultivars and species. - http://www.national-dahlia-collection.co.uk/
WebEgan Dahlia Garden - Home gardeners showcase their dahlia collection and provide information and links for growing dahlias. - http://www.eganplace.com/dahlia/
Dahlia Diseases - Brief descriptions of diseases that afflict dahlias. - http://www.ppath.cas.psu.edu/EXTENSION/PLANT_DISEASE/dahlia.html
Dahlias in B.C. - Information and articles on the culture and breeding of Dahlias. - http://www.members.shaw.ca/hydahlia/