Missouri Native Plant Society - Information on area chapters, photo gallery, articles from publications, and membership materials. - http://herbarium.missouri.edu/monps/
Nevada Native Plant Society - Non-profit organization presents its newsletter, field trips and programs, publications, and a plant photo gallery. - http://heritage.nv.gov/nnps.htm
Iowa Native Plant Society - Dedicated to preserving and promoting Iowa's native flowers, grasses, sedges, shrubs, and trees. Information about membership, excursions, newsletters, and a photo gallery. - http://www.public.iastate.edu/~herbarium/inps/inpshome.htm
Georgia Botanical Society - Dedicated to the study and preservation of Georgia's wild, native, and endangered wildflowers and plant life. Information about newsletter and journal, field trips, and several online articles. - http://www.gabotsoc.org/
Louisiana Native Plant Society - Statewide non-profit organization presents membership information, calendar of field trips and events, newsletters, and scientific references. - http://www.lnps.org/
Kentucky Native Plant Society - Information from this group interested in the native plants and wildflowers of Kentucky. - http://www.knps.org/
Illinois Native Plant Society - For professionals and amateurs who share an interest in all aspects of the flora native to the state. Information on chapters, publications, invasive plants, nurseries and seeds, membership, and contacts are featured. - http://www.ill-inps.org/
Minnesota Native Plant Society - Brief information about what the society does, where they are, and how to join. - http://www.mnnps.org/
Colorado Native Plant Society - Information about membership, programs, local chapters, newsletters, and photos. - http://www.conps.org/
Michigan Botanical Club - Consists of five chapters and is the native plant society for the State of Michigan. - http://www.michbotclub.org
Wildflower Association of Michigan - Information about the wildflower conference, educational grant programs, and link directory. - http://www.wildflowersmich.org/
Wyoming Native Plant Society - Encourages the appreciation and conservation of the native flora and plant communities of Wyoming through education, research, and communication. Information about membership, activities, and plant identification references. - http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/WYNDD/wnps/wnps_home.htm
Ohio Prairie Association - Encourages the study and conservation of Ohio prairies. Information about the conference and workshops, publications, and membership. Site offers FAQ, maps, and a plant listing. - http://www.ohioprairie.org/
The North Carolina Native Plant Society - Promotes the enjoyment and conservation of native plants and their habitats through education, protection, and propagation. Articles, recommendations, sources, and information about membership. - http://www.ncwildflower.org/
PlantNative - Oregon organization dedicated to moving native plants and naturescaping into mainstream landscaping practices. Includes how-to information and directory of resources. - http://www.plantnative.org/
Washington Native Plant Society - The WNPS is an organization dedicated to the conservation of the native plants of Washington State. - http://www.wnps.org/
Virginia Native Plant Society - Purpose is to further appreciation and conservation of Virginia's native plants and habitats. - http://www.vnps.org/
Utah Native Plant Society - Dedicated to the appreciation, preservation and conservation of the native plants and plant communities found in the state. - http://www.unps.org/
South Carolina Native Plant Society - Non-profit organization committed to the preservation and protection of native plant communities in South Carolina. - http://www.scnps.org/
Pennsylvania Native Plant Society - People interested in identifing and conserving native plants of Pennsylvania. - http://www.pawildflower.org
New England Wild Flower Society - The NEWFS is the oldest plant conservation organization in the United States. Promoting conservation of temperate North American plants through education, horticulture, research, habitat preservation, and conservation advocacy. - http://www.newfs.org/
Native Plant Society of Oregon - Details membership, bulletins, their own email discussion list and the officers of each chapter in the Society. - http://www.npsoregon.org/
Native Plant Society of New Jersey - Encouranging an appreciation of native flora and preserving it for future generations to enjoy. - http://www.npsnj.org
Maryland Native Plant Society - Dedicated to protecting, conserving, and restoring Maryland's native plants and habitats. Includes meetings, field trips, restoration projects, and a list of native plant suppliers. - http://mdflora.org/
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Dedicated to educating people about the environmental necessity, economic value, and natural beauty of native plants. - http://www.wildflower.org/
Iowa Prairie Network - An organization that sponsors events in the Iowa area - offers information about the events, contact details and links to related sites. - http://www.iowaprairienetwork.org/
Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society - Promoting the appreciation, conservation, beauty, diversity and environmental importance of indigenous vegetation. - http://www.inpaws.org/
Idaho Native Plant Society - A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting interest in native plants and plant communities of the state. Includes list of plants of conservation concern in Idaho. - http://www.idahonativeplants.org/
Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance - Dedicated to the study and preservation of Georgia's flora through research, education, and advocacy. - http://www.uga.edu/gpca/
Georgia Native Plant Society - Promotes the conservation of native plants and habitats of Georgia, USA. Information about the society, native plants, events and resources. - http://www.gnps.org/
Florida Native Plant Society - Promotes the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida. - http://www.fnps.org/
Delaware Native Plant Society - Information about the society, events, projects, publications, native and exotic plants. - http://www.delawarenativeplants.org/
Connecticut Botanical Society - Group for anyone interested in Connecticut's plants - detailed information about what the society does, pricing and contact details; wildflower photo galleries; gardening with native plants. - http://ct-botanical-society.org
Arizona Native Plant Society - Organization with "chapters" in different communities of Arizona. Contains information about what the group does, what they hope to achieve and a helpful but concise "Plant Salvage" section. - http://aznps.org/